UNAIR Rector officially opens Airlangga Education Expo 2022

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Unair Rector Prof Moh Nasih opened Airlangga Education Expo 2022 at Airlangga Convention Center on Friday, February 18, 2022.

UNAIR NEWS – Grand event Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2022 Universitas Airlangga was officially opened on Friday, February 18, 2022. The opening was marked by a siren pressed by the Rector of UNAIR, Chairman of the Academic Senate, Vice-Rector, Secretary of the University, and sponsor representatives.

The AEE 2022 event this time felt special because it was carried out online and offline from 18-20 February 2022. This year AEE carried out the theme of Smart Journey to Excellent Future. The expo participant was invited to visit 14 faculty booths to gain the best information about the study program of interest through the theme.

UNAIR Rector Prof Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak emphasized that AEE 2022 presents as a forum for the public to get the correct information related to study programs and UNAIR. AEE also became a medium for prospective students to choose the best study program.

“All issues, discussions, and consultations can be conducted directly with each faculty. Therefore, please, this opportunity should be utilized well so there won’t be a wrong choice,” explained Prof Nasih.

Awarding golden tickets

After the welcoming speech, UNAIR Rector opened a question-and-answer session to the AEE participants. Seven high school students walked up the stage to express questions about the State University National Entrance Exam based on students’ achievement (SNMPTN), State University National Entrance Exam (SBMPTN), to the intricacies of studying at UNAIR.

One of the questions also raised is regarding the Golden Ticket extra quota. Prof Nasih emphasized that AEE 2022 will be offering a golden ticket to outstanding students to be UNAIR students.

The selection process will be divided into academic and non-academic achievements categories. “The way is easy, immediately register by submitting the certificates of achievement owned. We will verify the documents and announce them. Any documents that show extraordinary achievements, submit them,” he added.

The opening continued with UNAIR Rector’s visit to every faculty’s booth. In the next two days, AEE 2022 will still present many events, talk shows, and faculty introductions to hundreds of online and offline participants from around Indonesia. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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