Inaugurating postgraduate new students, Rector encourages students to maximize studies amid pandemic

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UNAIR Rector Prof Moh Nasih delivers the welcoming speech to Postgraduate new students in 2022. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWSIn the middle of February 2022, Universitas Airlangga held an inauguration for new Doctoral, Master’s, Specialist, and Professional Programs students. Being held online, the inauguration was attended directly by the rector and the leaderships, and new students on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

In the welcoming speech, UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh. Nasih invited all participants to be grateful for the gifts that God almighty has given. Because during the Covid-19 pandemic, UNAIR can hold an inauguration for Postgraduate new students in 2022. Prof. Nasih also did not forget to congratulate all new students. Furthermore, he affirmed that the inauguration is the beginning step to being the best.

“A pleasing day for us all, amid Covid-19 pandemic, God Almighty allowed all of us to continue these activities, such as the inauguration of postgraduate new students in 2022,” he added.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih emphasized that efforts will always bring results. The results obtained in the future depend on the activities and processes carried out. The success of a learning process is characterized by timely graduation.

“I really hope to be able to graduate you all on time. Because there are some students of master programs spend more than two years to finish their studies,” he explained.

Universitas Airlangga is committed, continued Prof. Nasih, to give maximum added value to all learners through Sustainable Education For All. Universitas Airlangga is committed to the students so that after graduation, students will have gained meaningful knowledge for life that leads to glory in this world and hereafter.

At the end of his speech, Prof. Nasih advised that enough time to learn could not be measured by the length of learning years. But how much invested time is used to continue learning resulted in wisdom, knowledge, and policy in life.

“Once again, I believe that results will never betray the process that all of you have done,” he concluded.

Author: Ananda Wildhan Wahyu Pratama

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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