UNAIR 65th KKN BBM team develops Dung Tungkul water tourism potential

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UNAIR NEWS – Dung Tungkul River located in RW 10 Meteseh Village, Tembalang Subdistrict, Semarang City has water tourism potential that can be developed. Therefore, the 65th Community Service Program (KKN) Group 28 helped its tourism development by branding.

The development of Dung Tungkul River water tourism is a collaboration of Head of Hamlet (RW) and local villages. Various destinations include Telaga Agung River, Sendang Tirto Husodo, and religious tourism of K.H. Abdul Mukti’s cemetery.

In developing the Dung Tungkul River, first, river tubing will be organized, which is a tourist activity using rubber tires. Furthermore, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) of Meteseh Village will also be empowered by selling their products in tourist areas.

The village head of Meteseh Village Slamet Raharjo revealed that Meteseh Village has a river that can become a tourist spot. This river tourism is expected to increase the income of the surrounding residents. “So UMKM business practitioners can get additional income from this tourist spot,” said Slamet.

In developing river tourism, the KKN Group 28 conducted river tourism publications and provided direction maps in the surrounding area. Publications are done by creating posters distributed through social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp.

Banners created by the KKN team were installed in the RW 10 area gate. To make it easier for people to go to the tourist sites, the KKN team also made direction maps.

As the leader of Group 28, Nadia Devina hoped that Semarang citizens could widely know Dung Tungkul River more. In addition, the opening of tourism is expected to be one of the sources of income for the community, especially for RW 10 Meteseh Village. (*)

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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