UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Postgraduate School held another Airlangga Forum (AIRFOR) on Friday afternoon, January 28, 2022. The topic discussed in the webinar was “Higher Education Responsibility to Build Anti-Corruption Human Resources.”. The selection of this topic was motivated by the growing problem of corruption in the government in Indonesia. It is characterized by the recent decline of the Indonesian Corruption Perception Index.
Some speakers was invited to the AIRFOR, including Vice Director I of UNAIR Postgraduate School Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rudi Purwono, S.E., M.SE. In the discussion, the economist agreed that higher education has a responsibility in instilling an anti-corruption mindset to its academic community, especially students. He showed a model in his ten-minute presentation was structured steps implied in the education curriculum.
It’s a little complex to imply anti-corruption education in economics directly, but it doesn’t mean the implications are impossible, Rudi continued. He added that corruption could disrupt the course of economic turnover.
“So, production, distribution, and consumption aspects can be disrupted due to the existence of corruption. The quality of goods received by the community will be lesser, while the price of these goods becomes more expensive. Disruption due to corruption will eventually reduce the purchasing power of the public in general,” Rudi emphasized.
The AIRFOR on Friday afternoon was also attended by other UNAIR experts such as UNAIR Education Director Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, Apt., MS, and Coordinator of the Master of Science in Law and Development Program of UNAIR Postgraduate School Dr. Radian Salman, SH., LL.M.
Author: Pradnya Wicaksana
Editor: Nuri Hermawan