UNAIR NEWS – Looking for superior students, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) opens another golden ticket admission for students throughout Indonesia in. The golden ticket is an admission other than the State University Entrance Selection (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and Independent Exams) for prospective new students to become part of the Airlangga Knights.
As stated by the Head of UNAIR’s Student Admission Center (PPMB), Dr. Achmad Solihin, SE., M.Si. in UNAIR TALK on January 28, 2022, golden tickets will be given to applicants with superior achievements, which are divided into three categories. “The first is academic achievement such as championships in school subjects. The second is an organizational achievement, such as being the Head of Student Council (OSIS). The third is a religious achievement in any religion, not only Islam,” he said.
In addition to having advantages in these categories, golden ticket registrants must also upload achievement documents and attach an SNMPTN participant card with Universitas Airlangga as the first choice. “Students must also register and have an Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) account, which will be held in a hybrid manner on February 18,” added the lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Broadcast through Zoom and YouTube, all students in Indonesia can register on February 16-20, 2022 to get the golden ticket. “All students in Indonesia can take part in AEE and register for the golden ticket, as long as they meet the requirements,” he explained.
Dr. Achmad also said that the golden ticket would not reduce the quota of SNMPTN. “Although the selection requires an SNMPTN participant card, the capacity will not be reduced because of the golden ticket,” he said.
After going through file selection and verification, golden ticket recipients will be announced on the third day of AEE, February 20, 2022. Participants who are not lucky enough to get a golden ticket still have the opportunity to join as Airlangga Knights through the SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and also the Independent admissions.
All information regarding UNAIR’s new student admission can be accessed on the page ppmb.unair.ac.id. Meanwhile, the website eduexpo.unair.ac.id will be the center for information and registration for AEE 2022. (*)
Author: Stefanny Elly
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia