Renamed to SIKIA, UNAIR Banyuwangi welcomes new leaderships

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Vice Director for Non-Academic Affairs, Dr. Mufasirin, Drh., M.S. (left), Director Prof. Dr. dr. Soetojo, Sp.U (middle), Vice Director for Academic Affairs Dr. dr. Rahadian Indarto Susilo, Sp.BS (right). Photo: committee documentation.

UNAIR NEWS – As per December 29, 2021, the Off-Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) was renamed the School of Health and Life Sciences. It was official with the issuance of Universitas Airlangga Board of Trustees’ Decree No. 6 of 2021 on that date.

PSDKU’s rebranding to SIKIA was followed by other changes, including the leadership structure in SIKIA. The coordinator and secretary were changed to Director and Vice Directors. To welcome the new leaderships, lecturers, and administrative staff of UNAIR Banyuwangi held a welcoming event “New Leaderships Welcoming Session.”

“So yesterday on January 18, the event was a coordination meeting with the Director and Vice Director due to the rebranding from Off-Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) to the School of Health and Life Sciences Universitas Airlangga,” said Bintang Gumilang, M.Kes., one of the administrative staff of UNAIR Banyuwangi, to UNAIR NEWS on Thursday, January 20, 2021.

The Head of Administration Sub-division at UNAIR Banyuwangi said that the first meeting between director and vice directors and lecturers and administrative staff was about the rebranding from PSDKU to SIKIA and some policies made by UNAIR Rector related to the implementation of UNAIR education in Banyuwangi.

“It was an introduction only, then explaining the changes and also brainstorming, lecturers and administrative staff having a discussion with the new Director and Vice Directors. The meeting was necessary because a communication with the Banyuwangi Provincial Government would be held on January 19,” explained Bintang.

Turmeric rice-cutting in the welcoming event of the new leaderships of SIKIA UNAIR Banyuwangi. Photo: Committee Documentation.

The new Director is Prof. Dr. dr. Soetojo, Sp.U as Director of SIKIA, was appointed on January 3, 2021, according to the Rector’s Decree. The vice-directors, Dr. dr. Rahadian Indarto Susilo, Sp.BS (Vice Director for Academic Affairs) and Dr. Mufasirin, Drh., M.S. (Vice Director for Non Academic Affairs) was appointed on January 10, 2021.

The event concluded with turmeric rice cutting by the Director. It was given to four Program Coordinators, Prayogo, S.Pi., MP. (Aquaculture Program), Dr. Mohammad Zainal Fatah, Drs., M.S., M.Kes. (Public Health Program), Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad P., drh., M.Si. (Veterinary Medicine Program), and Izzato Millati, S.IP., MIP from Accounting Program.

“So, what’s changing is the letterhead, stamp and others including UNAIR Banyuwangi official email domain to SIKIA,” he stated.

“So, what’s changing is the letterhead, stamp and others including UNAIR Banyuwangi official email domain to SIKIA,” he stated.

Furthermore, Bintang explained that the dissemination of the name is done gradually as many do not know about it. For now, the rebranding is informed to the student level through representatives of UNAIR Banyuwangi Student Family on Wednesday morning, January 19, in the Assembly Room with the Director and Deputy Director to the elected chairman of KM (Student Family) and several other KM administrators.

“The dissemination is done gradually, so yesterday it was just conveyed to lecturers and administrative staff. Indeed, some faculties do not know about it because it is still a process. Of course, there will also be dissemination at UNAIR, “said Bintang.

Author: Tyas Ratna Manggali

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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