UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) has developed a new service called e-AUP. The web-based application launched on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, allows authors to apply for book publications more easily at LIPJPHKI.
The launch and dissemination of e-AUP was also attended by the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation, and Community Development, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si. In her speech, Prof. Nyoman gave her appreciation to LIPJPHKI for its latest innovation in the publication sector.
Prof. Nyoman also said that the innovation of digitizing book publication is a positive value given by UNAIR through LIPJPHKI for the academic and wider communities.
“One of the service innovations of Universitas Airlangga from LIPJPHKI is digitalization related to book publishing that can be utilized by the UNAIR academic community and the public in general. This is one of the positive values given by Universitas Airlangga through LIPJPHKI. We hope that the launch of the e-AUP program can also be integrated with UNAIR through a single data,” said Prof. Nyoman in her speech.
Furthermore, Prof. Hery Purnobasuki M.Si., PhD. as the head of LIPJPHKI conveyed that the launch of the e-AUP program can facilitate the publishing process and attract the interest of colleagues outside UNAIR. Prof. Hery emphasized that this program is not on behalf of LIPJPHKI but UNAIR. Hopefully, the lecturers, apart from being users, can also provide input for the development of e-AUP.
“We made this program not only to provide ease of access but also to attract the interest of colleagues outside UNAIR. We designed this not on behalf of LIPJPHKI but UNAIR. With this system, we hope that everyone will be able to improve themselves for the sake of UNAIR as well. The success of the program that we have made cannot be seen next month or next year. Everything needs a process,” explained the chairman of LIPJPHKI in his speech.
In addition, Ovarine Imtihana, S.IIP, M.A as the coordinator of the LIPJPHKI publishing sector disseminated about the use of e-AUP. Ovarine said that authors who have manuscripts can independently propose publishing via e-AUP without any limitations on space or time. Moreover, the authors can check their publishing status directly without waiting for confirmation from the LIPJPHKI admin.
“To participate in the future development of UNAIR, we contribute to innovation by digitizing the publishing process. Hence, we hereby launch an e-AUP innovation as a web-based management information system managed by LIPJPHKI. One of the features of this e-AUP is placing orders independently without any limitations on space and time. In addition, ordering can be done anywhere by using a desktop interface or a mobile interface,” she explained. (*)
Author: Wiji Astutik
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh