UNAIR FKp Synergy Cabinet focuses on developing human resources to support SDGs

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Head of FKp Student Family 2022 Iqbal Maulana Salsabila (left) with deputy Uswah Nurul Izzati. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – The beginning of the year is the right moment to change an organization’s management. Student Family of Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (KM FKp UNAIR) took this opportunity to hold an election some time ago. The results of the election, Iqbal Maulana Salsabila was elected as Head of KM FKp 2022 with deputy Uswah Nurul Izzati.

Iqbal said that the cabinet he formed, the Synergy Cabinet, had some values: synergy, responsiveness, and achievements. The Synergy Cabinet brings the spirit of synergy and collaboration with four student organizations (ormawa) in FKp, responsiveness in administrative management, and keeps making achievements in developing the interests and talents of KM FKP UNAIR community.

To increase synergy, responsiveness, and achievements, Iqbal said his party and the team will carry out several excellent work programs. “Some of our work programs are Study Groups, Happy Nurses Day, Evolution Training Internal, SDGs National Essay Competition, and Merchandise,” he said on Tuesday, January 5, 2022.

Study Groups, continued Iqbal, will be a forum for mentoring FKp students in developing achievements with experienced mentors in their fields. Happy Nurses Day is a series of activities to commemorate World Nurses Day, and  Evolution Training Internal or Threonine is a nursing student competence exam training in collaboration with the Indonesian Nursing Student Institute Association (ILMIKI) and the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI).

“We will also hold a national level essay competition to support the Sustainable Development Goals program. The sub-theme of this program is based on the background of the target of SGDs. There is also the addition of merchandise in our flagship work program, such as clothes or jackets, with students, alumni, and FKp UNAIR academics as sales target,” he explained.

Read also: FKp Students Explore Entrepreneurial Insights in the Nursing Sector

According to Iqbal, the flagship work program of Synergy Cabinet is a manifestation of KM FKp in upholding and supporting the SDGs program. So he hopes that KM FKp will be able to support the SDGs program following the vision of the Synergy Cabinet.

“Our mission is not much different from the previous year’s, to make FKp UNAIR even better in the future in terms of education, research, and community service,” he said.

At the end of the interview, Iqbal hoped that all work programs carried out by KM FKp Synergy Cabinet could be carried out smoothly without any obstacles. Most importantly, the programs bring benefits to FKp UNAIR students and stakeholders. Furthermore, he hopes that the Synergy Cabinet can create a winning climate for KM FKp UNAIR by actively participating in various non-academic activities, such as competitions and student exchanges.

“And the formation of strong solidarity between KM FKp UNAIR management, so that all work programs can run smoothly. Hopefully, the Synergy Cabinet will be able to work together with all student organizations in developing FKp UNAIR to be better,” concluded Iqbal. (*)

Author: Ananda Wildhan Wahyu Pratama

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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