UNAIR NEWS – With Bismillah, Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si, officially opened the soft launching of SCHOLAR UNAIR on Tuesday, December 28, 2021. The opening marked the presentation of a compilation platform for achievements and scientific works from the entire UNAIR academic community.
Prof. Nyoman, in her speech, said the presence of SCHOLAR UNAIR is one of the biggest promotional and branding steps carried out by the Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI). Moreover, in 2021 the total number of UNAIR publications will reach 10,106 with 1,445 citations.
“Hopefully, many publications, staff’s works, and other achievements can be collected in one place so that all parties inside and outside UNAIR can easily access it,” explained Prof. Nyoman.
SCHOLAR UNAIR will present profiles of researchers, profiles of faculties and research groups, research outputs, university and faculties’ collaboration map, and various other achievements related to the 17 pillars of SDGs. The platform developed with Scopus and Scival will focus on increasing the exposure and impact of scientific works or achievements of the UNAIR academic community.
SCHOLAR UNAIR has the advantage of Google’s index change which can increase the visibility of researchers’ works in the search engine. Furthermore, there is an algorithm with a precision of 99.9 achievements used to identify the researcher’s profile.
SCHOLAR UNAIR will also display the Covid-19 menu containing profiles, research output, and research units owned by UNAIR that research and contribute to handling the pandemic.
For this reason, the Head of LIPJPHKI Prof. Dr. H. Hery Purnobasuki, MSi., PhD. invites all parties, especially faculties to participate in filling out and presenting the publication data at SCHOLAR UNAIR. Promotion and citation teams will also be formed in each faculty in the future.
The team will bridge the data needs between the faculties and LIPJPHKI. “UNAIR SCHOLAR is more powerful than the previous branding. We have prepared it as our “ammunition,” so please staff at the faculties to use it as well as possible, “said Prof. Harry.
In the soft launching held online through Zoom Meeting and YouTube live streaming, also attended by university officials, Deans, and Vice Deans, and other educators ready to enliven the presence of SCHOLAR UNAIR. For now, the SCHOLAR UNAIR page can be accessed at https://scholar.unair.ac.id (*)
Author: Intang Arifia
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh