UPP UNAIR provides online counseling amid Covid-19 pandemic

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UNAIR NEWS –Psychology Service Unit (UPP) in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga provides free online counseling during the Covid-19 pandemic. This service is expected to support UNAIR academics to face their psychological problems.

This online counseling has commenced since the first PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) imposed by the government around March 2020. “At that time, our Dean Prof. Nurul asked us to provide services to the community through free counseling,” said the Head of UPP FPsi UNAIR, Ika Yuniar Cahyanti M.Psi., Psychologist, Thursday, December 30, 2021.

Ika said that during the Covid-19 pandemic, many health workers were involved in serving Covid-19 patients, both at the Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) and the Hospital for Infectious Diseases (RSKI UNAIR). “Many of them (health workers, ed) experience burnout due to anxiety from the pandemic condition,” said Ika.

“We want to provide a kind of venting service for them using the necessary psychological approaches adjusted to their needs,” continued Ika. Health workers and many employees at UNAIR working from the office also access this counseling service.

Hotline service

UPP FPsi UNAIR has provided a hotline that all potential users can contact to access this counselling service. Furthermore, the volunteers on duty at the hotline will connect potential service users with the counselor on duty at that time. Prospective service users can also schedule their counseling.

Service users can conduct online counseling activities using various desired alternatives. “There are people who are more comfortable meeting face to face, even though it’s only through a screen, so they can get to know the counselor directly. Some also don’t feel comfortable knowing each other’s faces, and the voice is enough; they prefer the telephone line. Yes, it’s okay; we are trying to accommodate,” said Ika.

Ika explained that counselors tend to find it difficult to give expressions or body language during online counseling. However, this online counseling turned out to be quite helpful, especially for service users who do not want to be identified. They feel more comfortable and safe to share their problems.

Even though the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic has improved, UPP FPsi UNAIR still provides online counseling services. “UPP continues to provide services related to the Covid-19 situation, for example, to patients who feel affected by a prolonged psychological impact. We will help with various options we have,” concluded Ika at the end of the interview. (*)

Author: Agnes Ikandani

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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