UNAIR NEWS – At the end of 2021, Universitas Airlangga Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., invited all levels of leadership to reflect on, contemplate, and share problems in their respective environments. The 2021 End-of-Year Meeting was held in Amerta Hall, 4th Floor, Campus C, on Friday, December 31, 2021.
In front of all the leaderships of faculties, directorates, institutes, centers, and units, Prof. Nasih expressed his appreciation for all the works they did in 2021 in achieving UNAIR targets. One of them, UNAIR managed to penetrate the #465 QS World University Rankings. It exceeded the target given by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which was to achieve the #500 QS World University Rankings. Moreover, UNAIR also won first place for national IKU (Key Performance Indicator) achievement.
“We should be grateful that our works lead to many achievements that we can see the results together. Thank you very much. However, we must not be careless and continue to work together and make new achievements,” he said.
“We all still need to make anticipative strategies to maintain the achievements we have achieved,” he said.
Prof. Nasih said that the challenges that lie ahead would not be easy. The changes will continue to happen. The academic community in their respective environments should create adaptive strategies to respond to these changes in a sustainable manner.
“Just like this year. 2021 was a tough year,” he said.
Some topics became the most highlighted issues, such as the organization of the MBKM program (Freedom of Learning Independent Campus); internationalization; composition of resources, especially professors; downstream process of research; and other programs.
On the same occasion, Prof. Nasih asked several leaderships to share testimonials and success stories in their respective fields. In particular, regarding the challenges faced and the achievement of the performance targets. Among them were the Head of the Center for Communication and Public Information (PKIP), Martha Kurnia Kusumawardani, dr., Sp.KFR(K); Director of Student Affairs M. Hadi Shubhan (Dr., SH., MH., CN); The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, dr., Sp.OG(K); Head of Airlangga Global Engagement Iman Harymawan, (SE., MBA.Ph.D) .; Head of the Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) Hery Purnobasuki, (Prof. M.Si., Ph.D).
“Concerning Meaningful Research and Community Services, we have achieved more than the target. For example, related to the publication of Scopus, which LIPJHKI coordinates,” said Prof. Nasih.
“Our target is 2,131 publications in reputable international journals indexed by Scopus/ISI/WOS, and our Scopus achievement reaches 2195. It means we have achieved 103 percent of the target,” he added.
Furthermore, in the Response and Lean Management program, said Prof. Nasih, UNAIR’s target achievement recorded quite good results. One of them is related to the number of updated website content. The target was 6,092 content, while the realization of the achievement reached 5,464 content or 89.69 percent.

“At least that’s the positive records that we have achieved. Hopefully, it will be an afterthought for all of us. It is related to strategy and what we will do in the future,” he said.
In the end, Prof. Nasih reminded the leaderships to strengthen collaboration and coordination in realizing targets in each respective organization. UNAIR’s achievements are expected to produce more achievements in the future.
Penulis: Feri Fenoria