Ahead of BEM Head election, MPM UNAIR accommodates student aspirations

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UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Student Consultative Assembly (MPM) on Friday, December 31, 2021, held dissemination related to surveys for the 2022 UNAIR Student Executive Board (BEM) Head Election. The dissemination invited all student representatives in each faculty for a zoom meeting.

In his speech, Muhammad Fakrureza Fahmi, as the head elect of the MPM, said that this survey was a new thing carried out by the Head Election Committee (PPK). In the previous year, PPK only referred to the Rector’s Regulation Number 07/H3/PR/2011 concerning Student Organizations in Universitas Airlangga. The Rector’s regulation also stipulates the Procedure for Election of Head and Deputy of BEM UNAIR.

“So the election is carried out like in a parliamentary government system, where the Head (executive) is elected by the MPM (legislature) in which there are representatives from each faculty,” he explained.

Due to the lack of information, he continued that the election for the Head of BEM seemed closed and not widely known by UNAIR students. Therefore, for the election in the 2022 period, PPK conducted a survey to accommodate the aspirations of all students regarding the mechanism of the election later.

“We start with the head of BEM in this forum and then distribute it to all students in each faculty,” he said.

In the forum, MPM also asked for each faculty representative’s input regarding the system for selecting the head later. Several representatives hoped for a participatory UNAIR BEM head election system, as stated by Yoga Haryo Prayogo as BEM Head of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

“Because this Presbem (election, ed) concerns the interests of all UNAIR students, the Head and Deputy of BEM UNAIR should be the result of a common consensus, through participatory elections involving all students,” he said.

Furthermore, the faculty representatives also hoped that the PPK would also intensify information dissemination to all students so that students know both the mechanism, the election timeline and the candidates for Head and Deputy of BEM UNAIR.

“Because some students also lack political awareness and there’s a low initiative to seek information. It would be better if PPK dissemination could be expanded and students could at least know who the candidates are,” said Kevin Ksatria as BEM Head of Faculty of Pharmacy.

Meanwhile, M. Rifqi Athallah, the BEM Head of Faculty of Vocational Studies, hoped there would be transparency in the election process for the Head of UNAIR BEM. He hoped that all students could witness all processes.

“If MPM really wants the BEM UNAIR Head election to be done objectively, then it should be broadcast via live streaming, so it will not cause negative speculation from students,” he hoped.

The survey will be conducted using a google form where students can fill in from January 3-12, 2022. Students can fill in the bit.ly/SurveyPPKUNAIR2022 link so that the survey results will be reviewed by MPM, which will then be forwarded to the UNAIR Management. (*)

Author: Ivan Syahrial Abidin

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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