UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic, which lasted for almost two years, has made most people more aware of taking care and protecting themselves. One of the efforts is to be vaccinated. However, some groups, such as the elderly, are very vulnerable after vaccination has been carried out.
Generally, the elderly take herbal supplements or traditional herbs to maintain endurance. In this regard, a research team from the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga (FKM UNAIR), in collaboration with the Natura House of Innovation, succeeded in developing a fermented garlic formula.
“Unlike others, this fermented garlic has distinctive characteristics and is different from fermented garlic on the market. After going through a long and measurable process by implementing good food production methods,” explained Wizara Salisa, one of the team members, on Thursday, December 30, 2021.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.), she continued, has been used worldwide as traditional medicine for more than 4000 years to treat various diseases. There are two types of garlic, single garlic, and double garlic. The antioxidant activity contained in single garlic is higher than ordinary garlic.
The public usually knows single garlic as ‘jamu’. This single garlic can be processed into fermented garlic to get better quality.
“Fermented garlic has been proven to have a potential biological activity of four to eight times that of single garlic. Fermented garlic is also reported to be richer in antioxidants,” she explained.
The content of antioxidant compounds in fermented garlic, S-allyl Cysteine ( SAC ), is more stable than garlic. Fermented garlic has various benefits, especially for health, including reducing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood pressure, and preventing cancer.

Due to its chewy texture with a mixed taste of sweet, sour, and slightly bitter, fermented garlic is very suitable for consumption for the elderly whose swallowing function is starting to decrease (dyspepsia) to guarantee consumption safety.
Making process
Wizara said that making fermented garlic is very easy. It starts with sorting single garlic and then preparing the utensils such as magic com, paper towels, and bamboo mat. Next is the fermentation process.
“The single garlic that has been prepared in magic com is fermented by setting the magic com on warm. Fermentation is carried out for several days. Every day the onion must be monitored regarding its temperature, the warm temperature, which is the optimal temperature for onion fermentation. The fermentation process is carried out until the single garlic changes color to black and has the appropriate texture and taste,” explained the 2018 student.
Conducting tests
For the research team, she said that the best formula is the main focus in the making process of fermented garlic focus. To get the best formula, the research team has conducted various product development trials, including processing techniques, temperature, and duration of the fermentation process.
Furthermore, organoleptic tests were also carried out to determine the best formula preferred by the public, especially adults and the elderly. In this organoleptic test, several fermented garlic formulas were prepared with different periods (number of days) of fermentation.
“As a result, the formula most preferred by the elderly was the second formula, which was fermented garlic for several days. The result of the panelist’s assessment, the best fermented garlic has characteristics of a delicious taste with the right combination of sweet and sour tastes, and a chewy texture,” she explained.
With the development of fermented garlic, the FKM UNAIR research team hoped that fermented garlic would become a variety of products preferred by the elderly. Also can meet the needs of the elderly and follow their physiological conditions. In addition to good taste, fermented garlic is also good for health. (*)
Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh