UNAIR NEWS – Siti Mufadlilah has been crowned as 2 nd Runner Up Miss Hijab East Java 2021. With a charming presence, soft and assertive voice, and quiet dignity, the student from UNAIR was awarded Miss Hijab Indonesia Best Speech 2021.
“Thank God I was mandated as a 2 nd Runner Up Miss Hijab East Java Indonesia 2021 Miss Hijab Best Speech 2021,” she said.
The second edition of Miss Hijab Indonesia is a beauty contest for Muslim women with MISS spirit, which is Manner, Integrity, Smart, and Solehah. The participants must also put forward a good attitude in each of them.
Appearing gracefully on stage, Mufa delivered a speech entitled EMULI (Education for Millennial Muslimah), which aims to improve education for women as they will later become mothers, who will provide first education for their children in the future.
“In my opinion, the role of women is not only macak, masak, manak, (dressing up, cooking, giving birth, ed) but also mulang which means teaching,” she said.
When she was announced as the winner, Mufa’s first words were of infinite gratitude to Allah. She was grateful that she had gotten a destiny that was far more beautiful than her expectation.
“This is my first competition in the pageant world. I thank all my colleagues who have helped me a lot to get to this point,” she said.

Selection process
Mufa’s experience in Miss Hijab started from the provincial level selection, the initial registration of Miss Hijab East Java. Participants were then selected to enter the semifinal stage from this initial stage.
The 20 best participants advanced to the final round and followed a series of boot camp processes. During the grand final evening, the best finalists were selected to be Top 10, Top 7, and Top 3.
“Thank God I entered the Top 3. Top 3 of Miss Hijab East Java will represent the province to the national level, Miss Hijab Indonesia,” she concluded.
The UNAIR Accounting student said she wanted to inspire Muslim women. According to her, the hijab should not be used as a barrier to develop and excel. Muslim women must be enthusiastic to work and make achievements. (*)
Author: Sandi Prabowo
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh