UNAIR NEWS – On Christmas Eve December 24, 2021, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) made another achievement. UNAIR’s newest Learning Management System (LMS), launched in this odd semester, was named the most active LMS in the Online Learning System (SPADA) Indonesia.
Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, Apt., M.S as UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs said that the ranking skyrocketed drastically in a short time. UNAIR managed to outperform other universities such as ITS, UGM, and UI in this regard.
“During the last ten days, we submitted our LMS well. It turned out that the progress was extraordinary. Previously, we were at rank 11, then 8, and then 6. A few days later, it was 4. Yesterday it was 3. This morning we achieved rank 1,” he explained.
Prof. Maman explained that the assessment indicators are from the LMS activities. Calculations were made based on the number of students who logged in using the LMS and then logged out.
SPADA has been around for about four years. All universities in Indonesia, both private and public, are integrated into the portal. However, UNAIR officially joined the learning system managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology at the beginning of the odd semester of 2021.

Prof. Maman continued UNAIR LMS was previously divided into two platforms for odd and even semesters. The model has been finally merged into one platform called hebat e-learning.
Some updates are added in the current UNAIR LMS. One of them is integration with student and lecturer attendance systems. Thus, the attendance does not have to be recorded manually.
Another update is the addition of learning videos. Furthermore, the assessment capacity is also improved. Hopefully, said Prof. Maman, there would be no problems during the final examinations in the next two weeks.
“It will continue to be developed, especially the contents, because one of the quality keywords for an e-learning is good delivery, in this case, related to the contents,” he said.
Responding to UNAIR’s ranking in SPADA Indonesia, Prof. Maman was grateful because finally, in such a short time, UNAIR proved itself through its LMS with the best activities. Furthermore, Prof. Maman hoped that this achievement could be maintained in terms of quantity and the quality of online learning.
“The final goal is how the learning process and achievements that the lecturers have determined can be received by the students well,” he said. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia