UNAIR ranked 12th in UI GreenMetric 2021

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Universitas Airlangga ranked 12th in UI GreenMetric 2021. (Photo: Personal Documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – On Tuesday, December 14, 2021, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) got another good news as the university has ranked 12th in UI GreenMetric 2021. Dr. Karnaji S.Sos., M.Si., as UNAIR Director of Logistics, Security, Order, and Environment, revealed that the position had improved three levels from the previous year, which was at 15th.

“UNAIR was ranked 183th globally in 2020 and has achieved 139th in 2021. While in Indonesia, UNAIR was ranked 15th in 2020 and now becomes 12th in 2021,” he explained.

The ranking indicators are the same; they are setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation, education and research. From the 2021 assessment, UNAIR was best ranked in education and research, followed by transportation, waste, setting and infrastructure, water, and the lowest score was from the energy and climate change indicator.

“This UI GreenMetric ranking is held once a year, and the results of the evaluation results are presented in the second week of December,” said Dr. Karnaji.

Furthermore, Dr. Karnaji said that UNAIR will improve its waste (waste management, ed) and water (water management, ed) indicators in the future. UNAIR will improve by re-using rain water for watering plants and making wind-power plants.

“In 2021, UNAIR has had solar power plant, and in the future, we will develop wind power plant,” added Dr. Karnaji.

Regarding UNAIR’s rank improvement in UI GreenMetric 2021, Dr. Karnaji is grateful and extends his gratitude to every university element that has worked very hard to achieve it. Furthermore, Dr. Karnaji hopes that in 2022 UNAIR can achieve Top 10 in UI GreenMetric.

“We hope in 2022, with hard works from faculties and units in UNAIR, Allah will bless us with the university achieving Top 10 or even Top 5, “ he concluded on December 20, 2021. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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