UNAIR develops Independent Campus app to support students and partners

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UNAIR NEWS – Many students are worried about the conversion system of the Freedom of Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology, UNAIR held a dissemination of Airlangga World Class Academic Mobility and Connection System with the launch of the Independent Campus app on Wednesday, December 12, 2021.

“The Independent Campus app is integrated with the system, so there is no longer a conversion debate. Regarding how the recognition in KHS and KRS are, later industrial partners and universities will transfer the credit system, and monitor student progress real time through logbooks, “explained Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA, Drh as Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs.

That way, said Prof. Bambang, faculties don’t need to be confused about manually reporting the number of MBKM students. The presence of this application also supports the tagline #unairsatudata. Including student grades and data, it is also synchronized with HEBAT E-learning.

Furthermore, Rachman Sinatriya Marjianto, B.Eng., M.Sc from the Directorate of Information Systems and Digitalization (DSID) UNAIR, added several application advantages.

“So far, the recognition of the credit score is behind the certificate. Well, it is now in the system. We recognize each partner and university,” he said.

Another advantage of the Independent Campus app is that it supports various languages. Because there are inbound and outbound programs, it can make it easier for foreign university partners and multinational companies.

Rachman said that the Independent Campus UNAIR app can be downloaded from Playstore for Android users. Meanwhile, for IOS users, it is projected that they will only be able to enjoy its features mid-January.

In the closing statement, Rachman expressed his hope that he would optimally oversee learning at UNAIR, especially MBKM.

“I thank all the partners who have worked together. Well, through this application, hopefully, it can be adapted well,” he concluded.

The development of this app also involved D3 and S1 Information Systems UNAIR students. It shows that UNAIR also encourages its students to continue to innovate. (*)

Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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