Taiwan-Indonesia Forum 2021 as a platform for academic dialogue for both countries

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The Sixth Taiwan-Indonesia Higher Education Virtual Forum 2021 held on Wednesday-Thursday (November 25-26, 2021). (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Fifty-four universities in Indonesia and 58 universities from Taiwan are members of The Sixth Taiwan-Indonesia Higher Education Virtual Forum 2021. The international meeting lasted for two days, on November 25-26, 2021, was a form of commitment to developing education and research.

This time, the theme was about the challenges and opportunities of higher education in the era of globalization, digital technology, and the new normal. At least 200 university leaders and CEOs of companies from both countries attended the forum.

In his speech, the organizer, Prof. Jeffrey JP Tsai as President of Asia University said that the 6th Taiwan-Indonesia Forum was a form of commitment to developing cooperation to discuss important issues, such as educational innovation, social responsibility, technology, and other issues.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has created its own opportunities and challenges for universities in the era of technological globalization and the new normal. Therefore, we initiated a meeting between Indonesian and Taiwanese experts in this virtual forum,” he said.

Prof. Mon-chi Lio, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, also gave a speech. He viewed the meeting as the right way to increase education and research for both countries.

“This is our chance to work together for a better life. Moreover, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, our thoughts, innovations, and contributions as university academics are very much needed,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof. Ir. Nizam, PhD as Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Indonesia, explained the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 in education and industry. It results in many lost jobs and being replaced by robots or machines.

In Indonesia alone, he continued, 23 million jobs will be taken over by robots. On the other hand, new types of jobs that require digital literacy skills are starting to emerge.

“Creating a new field of work is a bigger challenge because many jobs don’t exist yet. This is a challenge for universities to provide skills for their graduates,” emphasized Prof. Nizam.

On that occasion, Prof. Nizam also explained about the Independent Campus Program, which is currently running in Indonesia. “Kampus Merdeka is a very effective approach for universities and students, as well as beneficial for the industry,” he concluded.

Mr. John C. Chen, a representative of TETO, Jakarta, and Budi Santoso, representative of the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office for Taipei, were also attending.

The forum is expected to accommodate and liaise academic dialogue between Taiwan and Indonesia, especially in promoting collaboration and student exchange opportunities for the two countries. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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