UNAIR NEWS – An impressive achievement came from students of the Instrumentation System Automation (OSI) program of Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). The Astrai Next Gen team won third place in the 2021 Indonesian Vocational Olympiad (Olivia) in the industrial competition category in the field of smart devices. The team came up with the idea of a safety monitoring and tracking device for vaccine distribution transportation.
Halid Misfal, as the team leader, explained that the Covid-19 vaccine was a crucial need to overcome the pandemic. He wants to ensure the distribution process to be safe through the IoT devices he built with his team.
“We created an IoT device for monitoring temperature and humidity when distributing vaccines,” he explained. In this case, the team offers a temperature sensor on the Thermo king cold chain so that the quality of the vaccine can be read during the journey.
Halid continued that the nature of the Covid-19 vaccine itself is very sensitive to air temperature. For example, the Covid-19 vaccine from Pzifer must be stored at a temperature of -25 to -15◦C.
To monitor the route of vaccines to the destination, Halid and his team also offer other features.
“We also add Tracking GPS for tracking cold chain in realtime, and all can be monitored through an android application which we developed,” he added.

Furthermore, regarding the formation of the team, Halid said that they were previously members of a community called Astrai Robotic Team.
“I am with Riyan Ramadhan and Nadheta Maulidia, friends from the community. So, we both have an interest in this field,” said Halid.
Even though they have one interest, there were still obstacles, such as when coordinating the development of IoT devices and the app on Android.
“So when the competition was just ahead, we (the team, ed) have different intentions in the process of compiling features and programming. Well, fortunately, it was resolved thanks to the support of the environment, including the lecturers,” he said.
Finishing the interview with the UNAIR NEWS, Halid expressed hope for his innovation.
“In the future, we will upgrade the sensors to the industrial level ones and also make the IoT device simulation, which can then be attached to cold chain trucks so that the visualization can be seen clearly,” concluded the vocational student.
UNAIR is one of the best universities in Indonesia that supports its students to excel on a national and international scale. (*)
Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh