LIPJPHKI encourages UNAIR academic community to increase publications

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Head of LIPJPHKI Prof. Hery Purnobasuki gives a speech at the Workshop on Scientific Article Writing and Publications in Accredited National Journals for Undergraduate Students and Workshop on Scientific Article Writing and Publications in Scopus Indexed Journals and Proceedings for Master’s and Doctoral students. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) is committed to innovating for the betterment of our beloved campus. LIPJPHKI, on November 23-25, held a Workshop on Scientific Article Writing and Publication in Accredited National Journals for undergraduate students and a Workshop on Writing Scientific Articles and Publications in Scopus Indexed Journals and Proceedings for master’s and doctoral students.

Being held at the Harris Hotel and Convention Gubeng, Surabaya, each faculty sent five representatives for each workshop.

The Head of LIPJPHKI, Prof. H. Hery Purnobasuki, Drs. M.Si., PhD in his speech, said that publication is one of the important factors in campus assessment. UNAIR, as one of the best campuses in Indonesia, strives to present quality and indexed publications.

“In the last few years, UNAIR has continued to move to the top position in terms of publications both on a national and international scale. Currently, UNAIR’s publication is ranked 4th in Indonesia,” said Prof. Hery.

This, he continued, is proof that the quality of publications and innovations of the UNAIR academic community continues to improve. In the last few years, he said, we are still focusing on lecturers, master’s, and doctoral students to boost the number of publications. However, undergraduate students can now also contribute to publications.

“Quite often, UNAIR student thesis results can also penetrate Scopus,” said Prof. Hery.

Furthermore, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) professor said that the event was only the first batch, but enthusiasm was very high. Hopefully, there will be more batches in the coming year, and it will become an annual agenda for the LIPJPHKI.

“In addition to journal publications, LIPJPHKI also facilitates the community for publishing and registering intellectual property rights. Students who have written works such as novels, books and so on can apply to us for assistance in publishing,” said Prof. Hery.

At the end of his speech, Prof. Hery hoped that the representatives of each faculty could become leaders and examples for fellow students so that it would lead to a favourable publication climate at UNAIR.

“LIPJPHKI is ready to help in publishing the works of UNAIR students, lecturers and academics. Together we support UNAIR towards the World’s Top 100,” he concluded.

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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