UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy takes oath of 174 new pharmacists

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UNAIR NEWS – On this year’s Youth Pledge Day, the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) graduated its young pharmacists to serve the community in the 112th Period of Pharmacist Oath-Taking Ceremony on Thursday, October 28, 2021.

The oath that accompanies the pharmacist’s commitment to serve the community was taken wisely and proudly. A total of 174 young pharmacists took their oaths online and offline in front of five religious leaders of Islam, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Catholic.

Representing UNAIR Rector, the Vice-Rector of Internationalization, Digitization, and Information, Muhammad Miftahussurur, dr., M.Kes., Sp.PD-KGEH, Ph.D. congratulated the new pharmacists and their guardians in his speech. dr. Miftah also reminded the importance of the oath that the new pharmacists had made.

“Those six chapters of oath that have been uttered in the name of God, though only for a few minutes, are the beginning of a very long practice of pharmacy for all of you. Never forget the oath, and uphold it well,” said dr. Miftah.

On the other hand, Syamsul Hadi as a representative of the parents, expressed his deep gratitude to UNAIR and the Faculty of Pharmacy for educating their children. Syamsul also hoped that the new pharmacists would be able to apply their knowledge in all fields and places in the future.

Meanwhile, a representative of the new pharmacists, Firmansyah Ardian Ramadhani, S.Farm, Apt. called for the important role of young pharmacists as the foundation for realizing the vision and mission of Golden Indonesia in the future. Firman also highlighted the Pharmacist Oath, which coincided with the Youth Pledge Day.

“Today, we seem to have been blessed by history. Along with the Youth Pledge Day to fight for the homeland, now it is also the time for the new pharmacists to start our journey for the health and welfare of Indonesia in the future,” he said.

The moment was closed by the Dean of FF UNAIR, Prof. Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., Apt., M.Kes., Ph.D., who confirmed the value and quality of UNAIR graduates. Prof. Junaidi assured that the pharmacists have had extraordinary provisions and have succeeded in achieving a milestone in life.

“FF UNAIR graduates always have positive contributions wherever they are. Introduce yourself. Introduce your best identity to Indonesia,” he concluded.

The event was attended by the officials of the faculty, university, and guardians of new pharmacists both offline and online via Zoom Meeting. In addition, the guests also included representatives from the National Pharmacy Committee, the Surabaya Center for Food and Drug Administration (BBPOM), the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Pharmacy (ALFAS), the Management of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association of East Java, to a series of representatives from various national pharmaceutical industries. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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