UNAIR Rector encourages professors to speak the truth through research and innovation

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih delivers his speech at the UNAIR professor inauguration event. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga held another professor’s inauguration. The Academic Assembly of Universitas Airlangga inaugurated three new professors in UNAIR on Wednesday, October 27, 2021.

They are Prof. Nurul Barizah, SH, LL.M., Ph.D., 525th professor in the field of International Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Sari, M.Sc., Apt., 526th professor in the field of Pharmaceutics, Prof. Dr. Yudi Her Oktaviono, dr. Sp.JP(K)FIHA, 527th professor in Cardiology and Vascular Medicine.

On that occasion, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Nasih, revealed that the addition of three professors would boost the energy of Universitas Airlangga to serve and provide benefits to mankind both locally, nationally, and globally.

“With the ideas presented by these three professors, we are more optimistic about the future of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, and the future of world’s civilization we are currently experiencing together.

According to him, behind the ideas conveyed by the professors, there is something that must be understood that the world is not currently doing well. When the world advocates for democratization and even liberalization and freedom to express rights and opinions, there are still many restrictive rules. Many things have limited our behavior.

“There are many self-made rules that entangle and limit our freedom to become more noble and prosperous. Meanwhile, we often taste the ‘sweets’ which is considered good things, and we have to ‘swallow’ them together,” said Prof. Nasih.

In the inauguration process, the three professors deliver scientific orations related to the scientific progress in their respective fields. Prof. Nurul delivered an oration entitled “Flexibility of Trips Agreement and Open Innovation Model as Fair Global Solution for Access to Medicines and Vaccines in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Prof. Retno delivered her speech on “Potentials and Applications of Chitosan as a Biomaterial in the Field of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Technology.” Lastly, Prof. Yudi delivered his oration entitled “Blood Vessel Stem Cells: New Hope for Coronary Heart Disease Regenerative Therapy.”

With this idea, Prof. Nasih encouraged professors to speak up and present their ideas in the form of research as much as possible and to disseminate research results to the world so that equality and freedom can be realized. UNAIR scientists are expected to continue their campaign for innovations.

“We really hope that our new professors will soon take us out of one comfort zone to the next. The point is, we should not be in a comfort zone for a very long time. Continuous innovation and research are needed,” he said.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

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