UNAIR NEWS – The Central Information Commission (KIP) awarded Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as an Informative Public Agency for the Category of State Universities. UNAIR was ranked first with a near-perfect score of 99.10.
The award was announced via Zoom meeting and KIP YouTube live streaming on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also expressed his appreciation and remarks through a video conference from his official residence in Jakarta.
“This award is an excellent opportunity for public agencies to continue accelerating the best effort regarding information openness through endless innovation,” said the Vice President.
The Vice President also emphasized that the awarding event was also held to encourage public participation to realize good and transparent governance.
After receiving the award, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Moh. Nasih expressed his gratitude and happiness for the achievement. The Rector said that the score of 99.10 that UNAIR had obtained resulted from a long struggle.
“We realize that this award comes from the support of all parties, alumni, students, lecturers, staff, and the whole community for their participation in building UNAIR into an informative public agency,” said the Rector.
“It takes a long struggle. We have made various kinds of efforts from 6 years ago until today,” he added.

Developing innovation
Furthermore, the Rector revealed that there are many innovations made by UNAIR related to public information openness. One of them is the development of applications that can be accessed by the public related to information about UNAIR. In principle, all these innovations are developed to facilitate access to public information regarding UNAIR.
“The application is an example. We also improve information services by cooperating with many parties related to this public information openness,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Event Coordinator for Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) UNAIR and the Head of the Center for Communications and Public Information (PKIP), Martha Kurnia Kusumawardani dr. Sp.KFR-K, was proud of the leap in the two categories that UNAIR had achieved, from “Fairly Informative” in 2020 to “Informative” in 2021.
“This achievement makes me very proud and feel challenged to provide the best information for the public in the future,” said dr. Martha.
Dr. Martha added, there are five classifications of assessment from KIP: Not Informative, Less Informative, Fairly Informative, Towards Informative, and Informative. The assessment indicators carried out by KIP include filling out monitoring and evaluation questionnaires and presentations on public information openness innovations carried out by the Rector as PPID UNAIR Supervisor.
In addition to universities, other public agencies that have received awards are State-Owned Enterprises, Non-Structural Institutions, State Institutions, and Non-Ministerial Government Agencies, Provincial Governments, Ministries, and Political Parties. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh