UNAIR NEWS – Muslim Intellectual Student Community Organization (JIMM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) used solar panels as an effort to improve the welfare of Ko’ol Village residents, in Klampis Sub-district, Kab. Bangkalan, East Java.
The team explained that Ko’ol Village is one of the areas difficult to get clean water, especially to support the agricultural sector. Therefore, the team initiated the construction of drilled wells equipped with submersible pumps with a depth of about 70-80 meters. It supported the sustainable development goal or SDG 6 (clean water and proper sanitation) and SDGs point 7 (clean and affordable energy).
This program also supports SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) achievement. The team brought the concept of edutourism in the form of a flower garden and hydroponic tourism village.
“From here, MSMEs in Ko’ol Village gradually improved their economy so that later a prosperous society is expected to be created,” said Wahyu Addin Pratama as the team leader.
To minimize carbon emissions, the team invites residents to take advantage of solar panels. It is in line with SDG 13 (handling climate change) through the development of New Renewable Energy.
“Ko’ol Village naturally has lots of sunlight, so yes, the use of household-scale solar panels can be optimal to produce electricity as long as the sun shines. Besides that, it can prevent global warming, hydro climatological disasters, and so on,” he added.
In finalizing the planning, the team first started installing solar panels on brackets (panel frames). Second, connect it to the controller, battery, and inverter (DC to AC current converter) until the electric current is ready to be used to turn on the water pump. Third, water that comes out of the ground is automatically directed to a reservoir so that it can be made to irrigate rice fields or water hydroponic plants.
According to Addin and his team, Ko’ol Village is a pioneer and reference in realizing an energy-independent village. It emphasizes a program sustainability strategy. By socializing the stages and work mechanisms to residents, especially members of the youth organization.
The response of the target village was excellent. It provides strategic land in front of the monument area for the village’s iconic building.
For information, the JIMM team’s idea is based on efforts to start using environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. The idea passes funding selection of IDR 49.5 million in the 2021 Village Empowerment Development Program (P3D), a continuation program of the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) held by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology from June to November this year. (*)
Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh