UNAIR Faculty of Nursing empowers youth organizations in handling emergency cardiac arrest

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FKp lecturers conduct community service regarding emergency cardiac arrest in Lamongan Regency, on Saturday, October 16, 2021. (Photo: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni)

UNAIR NEWS – Cardiac arrest can happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Handling emergency cardiac arrest outside hospitals, both by health workers and common people, quickly and precisely will increase the survival rate of the sufferer. In this regard, sufficient knowledge and skills are needed in the community’s readiness to handle cardiac arrest outside hospitals.

Therefore, the lecturers of the Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) chaired by Erna Dwi Wahyuni, S.Kep. Ns., M.Kep. carried out community service entitled “Training on Recognition and Handling of Emergency Cardiac Arrest outside Hospitals at the Trisula Youth Organization in Sukorejo Village, Karangbinangun District, Lamongan Regency” on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The team consisted of Dr. Sriyono, S.Kep. Ns., M.Kep. Ns., Sp.Kep.M.B., Dr. Yulis Setiya Dewi, S.Kep. Ns., M.Ng., Dr. Ninuk Dian Kurniawati, S.Kep. Ns., M.ANP., Arina Qona’ah, S.Kep., Ns.., M.Kep., Hakim Zulkarnain, S.Kep., Ns., MSN., Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni, and Yuliani Agustin.

The training was carried out using simulation methods, role play, and discussion with a description of a real incident. The participants were very enthusiastic in following the provided activities.

Andi Wianto, Head of the Trisula Youth Organization said that the activity was very beneficial and hoped that the youth organization members would be able to help others, especially in providing assistance for cardiac arrest. “So far, we have only received training on flood disasters but not the introduction and treatment of cardiac arrest. Since many residents have heart disease, hopefully, members of the youth organization can provide real assistance for residents,” he said.

Dr. Sriyono, S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.M.B, as a  team member of the community service, said Basic Life Support (BLS) is the first aid needed by victims of cardiac arrest, especially cardiac arrest that occurs outside hospitals or out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). The BLS given by the public to OHCA can increase the survival rate by 2 to 3 times.

Assisted by FKp UNAIR lecturers with certificates in Critical and Emergency Nursing and experience on research and community service, members of the youth organization were given counseling about the concept of cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest management outside hospitals, and training for assisting cardiac arrest handling.

This activity was a continuation of the 2020 community service program in Sukorejo Village. It will continue to be given a sustainable evaluation of the training that has been provided by maintaining coordination through the previously formed WhatsApp group. Hopefully, other skills will be added on the next occasion, such as first aid in daily life emergencies.

“Waiting for the health workers to arrive consumes much time since the hospital is far away. The patients can’t be abandoned for a long time. Youth and community members must have knowledge and skills about BLS first aid. Thus, the death rate caused by the cardiac arrest that occurs outside hospitals can be reduced,” concluded Erna.

The community service activity is a form of FKp UNAIR’s implementation in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in the field of Good Health and Well-being and Partnerships for The Goals. (*)

Author: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia 

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