UNAIR NEWS – After qualifying for the national level, the ASTRO UNAIR team at the Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) 2021 managed to win 3rd place in the final of the Indonesian Thematic Robot Contest (KRTMI) on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The victory was obtained after defeating the N’RIMAU robot from Sriwijaya University with a score of 50-36 with a record time of 2 minutes 40 seconds.
After heading for the quarter-finals by defeating ELEKTROBOT from Halu Oleo University, the ASTRO UNAIR team was defeated by RIVAL ITS after spending all 3 minutes of the match in the first session and losing to DAM in the second session.
“As a new team, we don’t really set a target to win because the most important thing is that we try our best,” said Sirojuddin, Team Leader of ASTRO UNAIR.
Not much different from the preparation during the Regional II elimination, in this national level preparation, the ASTRO UNAIR Team improved some technical matters and practiced more regularly.
“We modified the robot, which initially couldn’t take coins from below so it could (take coins, ed) from below, and of course, we practiced more regularly and intensively,” explained Udin.
The ASTRO UNAIR Team Leader said that several technical obstacles occurred during the competition and several things that needed to be improved, including the speed. “We are a bit overwhelmed with ITS’s game scheme,” he said.
“Besides, we still see a problem in the delay time of imaging process between software streaming with software belonging to the committee. More or less, the delay can be up to five seconds,” he explained.
The KRTMI competition uses two fields, physical and virtual. So in addition to requiring a stable network speed also affects. Furthermore, Udin with his four colleagues, Muhammad Naufal Alfarisi and Muhammad Rafi Athallah Jatniko (Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering student), Ilman Andaludzi (Industrial Engineering student), and Diaz Samsun Alif (Electrical Engineering student), are all students of Class of 2020 batch, hope to make more achievements for future competitions.
In addition to the ASTRO UNAIR team, the ALEGRO UNAIR team also participated in KRI 2021for the Indonesian Search and Rescue Robot Contest Division (KSRI). (*)
Author: Tata Ferliana W.
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh