HIMAKUA UNAIR Banyuwangi holds Equator to encourage first-year students for independent internships

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HIMAKUA UNAIR Banyuwangi holds Equator to encourage first-year students for independent internships (Photo: Zoom meeting documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Independent internship is one of the favorite activities of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences’ students, Universitas Airlangga. Therefore, it is not surprising that the students flock to do internships at various fisheries agencies in Indonesia on holidays. As a form of introduction and explanation regarding the process for independent internship proposals, HIMAKUA (Aquaculture Student Association) PSDKU (Off Main Campus Study Program) UNAIR Banyuwangi held an E-Aquaculture Tutor (Equator) for 2021 first-year students with the theme “internship news.”

EQUATOR’s internship news was held online through the zoom meeting platform on Sunday, October 10, 2021. Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS, Ijl Taqiy Christya Dewanta Arthur Achilles as the head of the EQUATOR event, revealed that the activity aimed to provide information to all applicants about internships in the aquaculture fields such as Freshwater Aquaculture, Brackish-Water Aquaculture, Marine Water Aquaculture, and Laboratory and Apprenticeship Licensing Flows.

“We realize that internships are very important to provide insight and knowledge, in addition to lecture materials. We prioritize first-year students from the class of 2021 who have just entered the world of university, but other participants are still allowed to register,” he explained.

This event, continued Arthur, emphasized the intense interaction between presenters and participants. The first presentation was on freshwater aquaculture internships by Adam Gibran and the second was on brackish and marine aquaculture internships by Muhlis Fajaryanto. Furthermore, the last presentation was carried out by Dewi Ambarwati regarding laboratory aquaculture internships and internship proposal permits.

“The presentations are followed by a question-and-answer session. Hopefully, many participants would ask questions or share with each presenter. We also provide games and rewards for the most active questioners,” he said.

At the end, Arthur hoped that all participants who took part in the activity would have more insight and knowledge about the aquaculture internships and the licensing process. Thus, the semester breaks can be optimized for internship activities.

“We are grateful that the response we got was 100% positive, and the participants wanted another similar event. Of course, their response becomes a motivation for us to prepare another EQUATOR event in the future even better,” he concluded.

Author: Ananda Wildhan Wahyu Pratama

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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