Discussing Telehealth, FKM UNAIR Guest Lecture invites academic of The University of Auckland, New Zealand

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Presentation on Telehealth by Karen Jean Day, RN, RM, MA, PhD, FACHI, Head of Health Systems Group, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – Department of Health Administration and Policy (AKK), Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga held a guest lecture on “Best Practices of Digital Health Innovation in New Zealand” on Sunday morning, September 2, 2021.

“We know that the Covid-19 pandemic gives us the opportunity to accelerate the development of digital health technology. Several countries, including Indonesia, have developed digital health such as telehealth, telemedicine, or smart medicine. So that’s why it’s so important to know more about digital health innovations,” said Dr. Santi Martini, dr., M.Kes in her speech as the Dean of Faculty of Public Health, UNAIR.

For this guest lecture, the AKK Department invited Karen Jean Day, RN, RM, MA, PhD, FACHI, a Head of the Health Systems Group from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland in New Zealand. Karen will present her presentation entitled “Telehealth in Covid-19 Times“.

“So what is meant by telehealth is the provision of health services remotely using technology,” explained Karen.

Karen explained that telehealth uses the internet with a video conferencing system; usually, the patient will be placed in a health service office, and the doctor will be in a different building, which is quite far from the patient.

Furthermore, continued Karen, the basics to be considered when conducting online consultations via video or teleconsultation are background, camera position, voice, eye contact, body position, and distractions from doing other things on a computer during teleconsultation.

Karen also explained her research on telehealthcare for integrated elderly community nursing care. Three stages of data collection methods were carried out to get the data in this study. They are nurse assessments, questionnaires for patients before and after, and exit interviews with patients and doctors.

Unlike other guest lectures, Karen allowed the participants to discuss in a breakout room. After presenting the material on telehealth exploration in the Covid-19 pandemic era for 30 minutes, participants will enter breakout rooms to discuss and evaluate telehealth they know using the Purpose, People, Process, and Product perspectives for 10 minutes.

Participants were given a 10-minute break to rest and then returned to the breakout rooms to present the results of the previous 15-minute discussion. Followed by further discussion in the main room for a question and answer session, then ended with closing.

Author: Tyas Ratna Manggali

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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