Removing ODGJ (people with mental disorder) stigma through Mental School

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Mental School activities with children in Pesanggrahan Village. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Students of the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga have shown their concern for People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ). They have established a Mental School (Sekolah Jiwa) in Pesanggrahan Village, Kutorejo Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency, East Java.

The Mental School provides education about mental health to the local community. The Mental School also carries a mission to reduce community stigma against ODGJ. One of the educations had been given from Monday, September 6, 2021, to Thursday, September 30, 2021.

The education was conducted according to age development. For children, the education was provided by using a peer-group role-playing method. The method involved using pictures and songs so that children could understand the materials more easily. Meanwhile, for adults, the education was carried out through a seminar followed by cadre training with PKK (Family Welfare Movement) members.

Putri Maulinda Afandi, as the program coordinator, revealed that her team was trying to suppress the decline in ODGJ through early detection. According to her, the enthusiasm of the cadres in the local village was extraordinary. They were enthusiastic to carry out the task of simulating early detection of families around their homes.

In the dissemination, Putri explained the material regarding the establishment of the Mental Health Alert Village (KSSJ). “Later on, patients and their families with mental disorders can take mental health therapy and rehabilitation with the help of nurses,” said Putri.

Furthermore, the UNAIR Faculty of Nursing student mentioned several benefits of KSSJ. First, healthy people can stay healthy. Second, people who are at risk of experiencing mental disorders can avoid mental disorders. Third, people with mental disorders can get appropriate treatment.

BEM FKp (Faculty of Nursing Student Executive Board) Community Service Team took a group photo during the cadre training session. (Private Doc.)

“Hopefully, this cadre training can open the public’s view that ODGJ is the same as us. ODGJ is not to be avoided but to be given support and an approach so that they can return to their activities better,” she said.

The Mental School was presented after previously passing a grant from the Village Development and Empowerment Holistic Program (PHP2D) of the Faculty of Nursing (FKp). The Mental School program also supports the achievement of SDGs point 4, Quality Education. The education is expected to remove the stigma in society towards ODGJ so that they can coexist well with one another.

Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh (YA/AP)

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