UNAIR NEWS – Having healthy and firm skin is everyone’s dream. Various ways are done to get healthy and tight skin, including protection from external and internal factors. Numerous kinds of skincare products are sold with different ingredients to protect the skin from external factors. Moreover, collagen drinks, which are said to protect the skin from the inside, are easy to find in the market. In fact, many influencers promote various brands of collagen drinks by claiming that these products are effective in maintaining skin from the inside.
dr. Medhi Denisa Alinda, Sp.KK said that collagen drinks contain not only collagen but also various other substances. “It’s true that collagen drinks can protect the skin from the inside, but that depends on the doses of collagen in the drink,” she said.
“Usually, collagen drinks contain a combination of substances such as glutathione, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which can help to brighten the skin,” added the lecturer on Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga.
Although they have good ingredients for the skin, collagen drinks also have long-term effects on the body. “Long-term consumption can cause kidney stones. It should be balanced with drinking lots of water,” she explained. Meanwhile, collagen intake can also be obtained from various natural ingredients around the community. “Those with high collagen are chicken, fish, egg whites, fruits such as oranges and berries, vegetables, and tomatoes,” she explained.

Medhi explained that instead of consuming collagen drinks, the use of natural ingredients is recommended. “It is better to consume natural ingredients because there are no preservatives. Meanwhile, collagen drinks usually contain preservatives,” she explained. A safe and effective dose of collagen consumption is no more than 2.5 – 15 grams/day. “We recommend that it is not more than 2.5 – 15 grams/day so that collagen peptides can be hydrolyzed safely and effectively,” she said.
Medhi advised the public that healthy and tight skin could be achieved through a healthy lifestyle. “Have enough sleep, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, use skincare creams recommended by doctors such as sunblock, always use moisturizers, and wash your face every day,” she concluded.
Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia (YA/AP)