Midwifery professional students briefed by GELIAT UNAIR

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Presentation in the briefing activity with GELIAT UNAIR (Photo: Personal documentation)

UNAIR NEWS- On Monday, September 20, 2021, Healthy Mother and Infant Movement (GELIAT) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a briefing activity related to the Continuity of Care. This activity is intended for the midwifery professional program students, Faculty of Medicine (FK), who want to carry out the clinical practice.

According to Wahyul Anis, S.Keb., Bd. M.Kes., as the representative and the coordinator of the Midwifery and the Midwifery Professional Study Program, the purpose of this activity was preparing students to assist pregnant women in the city of Surabaya. The mentoring activity is an obligation for students to be graduated from the professional program.

“Later on, each student will provide assistance to two pregnant women,” said Wahyul Anis through a zoom meeting.

Furthermore, Dr. Ratna Dwi Wulandari S.KM., M.Kes. representing Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti, drg., M.S. from GELIAT UNAIR revealed that in the pregnancy mentoring activity, students did not provide direct health treatments. If mothers need midwife treatments, students can coordinate with midwives in the region and the Puskesmas (Community Healthcare Center).

“Many problems happened to pregnant women, while the human resource of Puskesmas and Health Office is also limited. Therefore, through this assistance, midwifery students from UNAIR can help create healthy pregnancies, a smooth baby delivery, and safe babies,” said Dr. Ratna.

Meanwhile, dr. Kartika Sri Redjeki, M. Kes., as a representative of the Surabaya City Health Office who attended the briefing activity, hoped that students could coordinate well with the Puskesmas and make the best of their time to learn.

Finally, Dr. Gadis Meinar Sari, dr., M. Kes., as the Head of LPPM UNAIR, advised students to comply with all the rules been made by the Study Program and from GELIAT. “Remember, that you (student, ed) not only carry your own good name but also the name of your alma mater,” said Dr. Gadis.

For further information, later on, the students will practice in four different puskesmas in the City of Surabaya, Puskesmas Kedurus, Puskesmas Pakis, Puskesmas Manukan Kulon, and Puskesmas Sememi. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)

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