UNAIR NEWS – Previously, the first Self-Improvement presented a theme on taking action. This time, the second Self-Improvement discussed public speaking. The event, under the auspices of the Career Preparation (Capre) division of Banyuwangi Public Health Association (a student association), was themed “Improve Your Relations by Skills Up Your Public Speaking.”
The concept of the event was like a talk show in the form of sharing and discussion. Alivia Adelia, a class of 2018 student of Communication Studies, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, was invited as a speaker. Considering the pandemic situation, the event chaired by Cut Athira Sauma (a Public Health student of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi) was held through a Zoom Meeting on Saturday, September 11, 2021.
The discussion session was guided by a moderator, Zahiroh Amani (a Public Health student of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi). The discussion began with an opening question regarding the views of the speakers regarding public speaking.
“Public speaking is not just art of speaking. Even though speaking in a smaller scope can be considered public speaking, the meaning is broader than that. We also have to learn to speak firmly, clearly, and well-constructed. To achieve those, we can start learning public speaking with a smaller scope like our friends or family,” explained Alivia Adelia.
Alivia explained that public speaking is essential to be learned in all disciplines because it is needed as a basis for building relationships both in academic and work fields.
“There are many ways to build relationships, but the basis is communication. To be able to convey our meaning to all people with different backgrounds, we need communication skills. Thus, our intentions can be received and get the appropriate feedback, “said Alivia.
The tip, continued Aliva, is to have the courage to start a conversation with other people in public places. It can be the basis for building relationships and making an excellent first impression. In addition, do not be shy to befriend anyone because it will be beneficial in the future.
“However, in the work environment, we have to be careful when opening a conversation because not everyone can accept the topics we talk about. As much as possible, talk about work-related things. Well, if we finally become friends, we can talk about other topics than work. Therefore, the important thing is that we have to be good at positioning ourselves,” she added.
Public speaking requires communication skills and understanding of the situation for the right topic. That way, the knowledge of public speaking can be utilized maximally to build relationships. Hopefully, the Self-Improvement event can increase participants’ knowledge about public speaking.
“Do not be afraid to speak because public speaking is not something to be afraid of as long as you can train yourself. Moreover, you won’t regret it if you can do public speaking. Maybe not now, but it will be useful in the future. So don’t be afraid to try,” said Alivia at the end of the discussion.
Author: Tyas Ratna Manggali
Editor: Nuri Hermawan (YA/AP)