UNAIR Posgraduate School International Conference reviews post-pandemic multidisciplinary ideas

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Presentation in the fifth UNAIR Postgraduate School’s International Conference. (Photo: Personal documents)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Postgraduate School has held its fifth international conference with the Research Synergy Foundation, Mulawarman University, Sultan Agung College of Economics (STIE), and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN). It was held virtually on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

The conference is an annual event since 2017. This year, UNAIR’s Postgraduate School raised Managing the New Normality: Multidisciplinary Research in The Post-Pandemic Time as the themeThe conference serves as a forum for sharing ideas in various disciplines.

Nuri Herachwati, Dra.Ec., M.Si., M.Sc., as the chief executive of the conference, delivered her remarks. “In total, there are 123 papers that have been reviewed, from four countries Indonesia, Taiwan, the United States, and Timor Leste to be presented at this conference. We also welcome more than 100 online participants from various countries,” said Dr. Nuri, a Postgraduate School lecturer.

Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, SE, MBA., Ph.D., as the Director of UNAIR Postgraduate School, said that his party was very grateful for holding the fifth conference. “This event allows us to share knowledge regarding issues surrounding the post-Covid-19 pandemic from various multidisciplinary fields,” he said.

According to Prof. Badri, the Covid-19 pandemic brings a crisis in terms of health and causes crises of various dimensions, including the economy. “Thus, through this multidisciplinary conference, we hope there will be a better comprehensive solution to deal with the existing crises,” explained Prof. Badri.

Furthermore, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih said that the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic could be overcome with science. In this case, according to him, universities must become pioneers in dealing with pandemics scientifically with a synergy of multidisciplinary perspectives.

“I am sure that through this conference, conference participants will find new ideas, fresh energy, and new partnerships to sustain efforts in multidisciplinary research in the post-pandemic period. Together, let’s accelerate the exchange of ideas and promote better multidisciplinary practices,” concluded Prof. Nasih.

Author: Fauzia Gadis Widyanti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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