UNAIR NEWS – The body odor problem can be overcome by maintaining body hygiene and using special topical preparations such as deodorants. Deodorant is a cosmetic preparation that contains antiseptic to prevent or reduce bacterial decomposition to control body odor.
Deodorants can be made of herbal or synthetic ingredients. However, herbal ingredients are relatively safer for deodorants than synthetic materials. One of the herbal ingredients functioning as an antibacterial is the leaf of bilimbi (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.).
In this regard, Nursing students of Universitas Airlangga used bilimbi leaves for their “DEOAVBI” product (Natural Deodorant Spray from Blimbi and Lavender). The idea passed the funding selection of the 2021 Student Creativity Program (PKM) by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
Iswatun Hasanah as the team leader, said that the production of DEOAVBI aims to find out how to process bilimbi leaves into antibacterial deodorant products. Furthermore, it also aims to increase the sale value of bilimbi leaves as innovative products with economic value and change people’s perceptions about bilimbi leaves.
“With this product, we hope that later we can market it in Surabaya and its surrounding areas. We also hope to be able to expand its marketing throughout Indonesia so that the general public knows the benefits of bilimbi leaves and lavender as natural deodorants,” said Iswatun.

DEOAVBI products are offered with attractive, practical, and easy-to-use designs so that they become travel-friendly deodorants. This product contains unique natural ingredients because bilimbi leaves are not commonly used as deodorant products in the marketplace. In addition, this product is sold at an affordable price. However, the price offered does not reduce the quality of the materials used.
DEOAVBI was made in a production house located on Jalan Simorejo Surabaya. The production and marketing processes were carried out in four months, from April to July 2021.
The tools used in the manufacture of DEOAVBI include a beaker glass, measuring cup, and spray bottle. The ingredients include bilimbi leaf extract, lavender essential oil, shea butter, cornstarch, baking soda, vitamin E oil, water, and product packaging in the form of a spray bottle.
Iswatun said that in this PKM activity, they learned a lot about proposal writing, financial management, product sales, and marketing. They also received a lot of constructive advice from the supervisor, who made the group better.
“We hope this idea can lead us to win the PIMNAS 2021 and make our products known to the wider community and useful in everyday life,” she hoped. (*)
Author : Umi Maghfiroton Fitri (YA/AP)