The fourth session, FIB – INOVASI community service invite educators to create positive class

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Ilham Nur Alfian, M.Psi., Psychologist., as the facilitating coordinator during his opening remarks. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – The fourth session or unit of the collaborative program between the Faculty of Humanities Universitas Airlangga with the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Indonesian School Children Innovation (INOVASI), and the Ma’arif NU Educational Institution Sidoarjo – Lamongan has been held. This time, the program, which aims to strengthen students’ characters, was held in the Hall of LP Ma’arif Sidoarjo on Saturday, September 4, 2021.

In the opening remarks, Ilham Nur Alfian, M.Psi., Psychologist., as the facilitating coordinator, said that in the previous session, the activities were focused on strengthening the system for policymakers in madrasah (Islamic schools). Futhermore, fourth session, he continued, focused on educators or teachers as the front lines in the classroom.

“In this session, we would like to strengthen positive class development. Therefore, this activity involves the teachers as the spearhead of classroom management,” he said.

Positive class, explained Ilham, is the creation of characters and skills in students. The skills and characters in this matter, he continued, are indeed following the challenges and needs of the 21st century.

“The positive class indication is that the students have skills of the 21st century. Given the challenges of the future, it is getting tougher. Therefore, what kind of skills are needed are what we want to create as facilitators,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Avia Nur Dhaya’a S.Pd., as a teacher and the Head of MI Nurul Ummah Celep, said that a positive class would be realized if the teachers had a new idea. In addition, she also explained that creating a positive atmosphere such as a happy and comfortable one among students is also one way to create a positive class.

“For example, the approach between teachers and students can be like a friend with the right communication,” she said.

Another opinion came from Subiani Vivin Nofariah. S.Pd.I., a teacher and also the Head of MI Darul Ulum Sarirogo. According to her, positive classes should be created by making students enjoy learning with friends and teachers.

“Furthermore, positive classes can also be realized by involving students to be active in learning. Because with active students, lessons will feel comfortable,” she concluded.

This event is an effort of FIB UNAIR in supporting the SDGs program, especially for the goals of Quality Education and Partnerships, considering the activities carried out with partners from abroad to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

Author: Nuri Hermawan (YA/AP)

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