UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga is listed among groups of universities ranked fourth in Indonesia, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE WUR) 2022. This ranking included 1,662 universities from 99 countries in the world and was officially released through the THE WUR website on Thursday, September 2, 2021.
UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., responded to the ranking publication by THE WUR. Even though UNAIR has just joined the ranking system, UNAIR has managed to achieve global rank #1201+.
“This is something to be grateful for since there is a significant increase. As a newcomer, this is very extraordinary,” said Prof. Nasih on Thursday, September 2, 2021.
There are five assessment indicators that THE WUR uses as a methodology. The five indicators are teaching, research, citations, industry income, and international outlook.

In general, UNAIR scores are in the range of 10.6-22.3, with Teaching 21.5, Research 10.7, Citations 18.3, Industry income 36.5, and International outlook 34.2. The assessment placed UNAIR in the rank-four group among Indonesian universities.
“The weakest (assessment indicator, ed) is in the income industry, meaning that we can’t get enough income from the industry. But I believe it’s just a matter of data and acknowledgement. Next year, when our downstream process runs, we will have additional industry income,” he explained.
Based on the five indicators provided by THE WUR, research should not only have an impact on increasing publications and citations but also generate income for the institution. Hopefully, the Red and White Vaccine (Vaksin Merah Putih), which is planned to be mass-produced next year, can bring significant industry income for UNAIR.
Besides UNAIR, 13 other universities in Indonesia, both public and private, are included in this ranking. “Hopefully, next year, we can achieve a better position,” said the Rector. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh (YA/AP)