Tips for maintaining dental health for children with special needs

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Illustration by Klik Dokter

UNAIR NEWS- Maintaining dental and oral health is a habit that is quite difficult to do, especially in children with autism and brain development disorders that affect the ability to interact and communicate.

However, according to a pediatric dentistry expert, Drg. Udijanto Tedjosasongko, PhD., Sp.KGA(K), dental health problems in children with special needs should be a concern. “In addition to paying attention to their emotional health, we also need to take care of their physical health, especially dental and oral health, which often neglected, even though it is essential,” said Drg. Udijanto.

In an event titled “Promoting Dental Health for Children with Special Needs” organized by the World University Association for Community Development (WUACD) Universitas Airlangga on Saturday, August 28, 2021, he shared tips on maintaining oral health in children with autism. On that occasion, he described some special treatments.

Regular toothbrushing

First Drg. Udijanto said that brushing teeth twice a day regularly with toothpaste containing fluoride can prevent dental caries. The gaps between the teeth can also be cleaned with dental floss or an interdental cleaner. In addition, eat a nutritious and balanced diet and limit snacking.

“Make toothbrushing fun, sing funny songs that kids like. If necessary, visit a dentist to get a professional treatment,” said the lecturer of the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga.

The father of two suggested several positions for toothbrushing we could try. One of them is by using a chair.

The patient (the child with autism, ed) sits on the floor while the parents sit on the chair behind the child. The patient’s head rests on the parent’s knee. If the child is uncooperative, the parent can place the foot on the child’s arm to restrain him/her.

Using fissure sealant

Udijanto revealed that the use of sealants is a safe and painless way to protect teeth from decay. The sealant forms a hard shield that prevents food and bacteria from getting into the tiny gaps in teeth that may cause decay

“The use of sealants is completely pain-free. The teeth will not feel any different after that either,” explained Drg. Udijanto.

Fluoride topical application

Furthermore, continued Drg. Udijanto, fluoride can be directly applied to the teeth in the form of varnish, paste, gel, or foam. These materials work by bonding to the dental structure at the molecular level. It forms a protective layer known as fluorapatite.

“This fluorapatite is more resistant to bacterial decay and reduces the risk of caries,” concluded Drg. Udijanto.

Fluoride can also be used to treat early carious lesions that appear as white spots on the teeth. Its use is recommended for those who are at a higher risk of developing caries. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)

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