UNAIR NEWS – Battra Festival Essay and Creating Video (Bafeng) 2021 was the first online national competition organized by the Student Association of Traditional Medicine Study Program (Battra) Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) via zoom teleconference.
This first Bafeng was themed “Optimizing the Roles of Traditional Medicine towards Golden Indonesia 2045” by targeting students of schools and universities. The three categories in the competition were essay competitions for SMA/SMK (senior high schools / vocational schools) and equivalent school, essay competitions for university students, and creative videos for the public.
Samy Bazher, as the Chief Executive of Bafeng 2021, started with remarks at the Grand Final on Saturday, August 21, 2021. He explained that the Bafeng competition was attended by 240 participants, consisting of 99 participants from the SMA/SMK equivalent essay competition, 112 participants from the university student essay competition, and 29 participants from the creative video competition. The top five from each category were selected for the grand final round.
On this occasion, he expressed his gratitude for the enthusiasm of the participants. The finalists from each category were given opportunities to present their work.
Attending the event, the Dean of FV, Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, drh., M.Kes gave a speech and opened the Grand Final. “The fact that more than 200 participants registered showed that the Battra festival gains much interest,” he said.
There is an open opportunity to be Battra graduates. He hoped that this kind of activity could be held continuously for Battra branding, and it should be supported.
“This kind of activity shows the importance of the Battra Study Program. For example, during the pandemic, millennials can recognize empon-empon (herbs and spices) that are used as traditional ingredients,” said Anwar.

In line with what the FV Dean said, Maya Septriana, S.Si., Apt., M.Si. as the Coordinator of the Traditional Medicine D4 (four-year vocational) Study Program also admitted that many Battra graduates received job offers.
“Our opportunity to work in the field of Battra is huge. Many Battra graduates managed to apply for a job,” Maya stated.
“For example, if a patient has aches and pains, you (Battra students, ed) are the ones he is looking for to treat him,” she continued. Closing her statement, Maya hoped that Bafeng 2021 could become a trendsetter for the essay competition. (*)
Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh