RSUA and IT Telkom collaborate to develop Independent Health Examination Tool

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Simulation of using the Independent Health Examination Tool by UNAIR and IT Telkom. (Photo: Personal Documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Teaching Hospital (RS UNAIR) and the Telkom Institute of Technology (IT Telkom) Surabaya collaborated to create a multifunctional Independent Health Examination Pavilion (APKM) to minimize contact between medical personnel and patients in healthcare services. The handover and soft launching of APKM products was held on Friday, August 20, 2021, at Dharmawangsa Hall, 8th Floor, UNAIR Hospital.

Director of UNAIR Hospital, Prof. Dr. dr. Nasronudin, SP.PD, KPTI, FINASIM expressed his appreciation to IT Telkom Surabaya for realizing ideas from UNAIR Hospital in the form of an independent medical examination tool that is multifunctional, portable, and easy to use anywhere. He emphasized that the APKM product is the answer to the government’s desire to implement health independence.

“Alhamdulillah, we have realized the products well made by this nation’s minds and InshaAllah it will provide many benefits to the community. This product is very practical for handling patients in this pandemic era,” he said.

According to him, the idea of making the APKM aims to shorten the examination time and facilitate the performance of health workers in conducting health exam anywhere with fast and precise results. “We usually treat 700-1000 patients every day, so with this tool, Airlangga Hospital can handle up to 5000-10,000 patients,” said the Director of RSUA.

So far, patients coming to get treatment through examinations will wait for up to 4 hours, but the treatment will be given faster with this tool. So the patient only waits 30 minutes to get an independent initial examination and will be directed to the clinic and the health workers who handle it. “The results of the examination will come out quickly, and the doctor will immediately prescribe medicine to the patient,” he explained.

On the same occasion, the Rector of the Telkom Institute of Technology Surabaya, Dr. Tri Arief Sardjono, ST, MT, said that APKM has 7 main features: measurement of weight, height, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen levels.

To perform APKM independently, patients can register directly for hospital services to get an RFID card, then conduct an independent examination and consult a doctor. “This patient data can later be connected to the hospital database system and each patient’s mobile phone,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Vice-Rector of Universitas Airlangga for Internationalization, Digitization, and Information, Muhammad Miftahussurur, dr. M.Kes., Sp.PD, Ph.D expressed his appreciation for the development of a medical device initiated by RSUA and IT Telkom. This innovation will provide the government and medical personnel a great contribution in supporting and responding to the challenges in developing healthcare services independently.

“I am optimistic with the increasing number of innovation products, this nation’s youth will make progress for the Indonesian nation,” he said.

Dr. Miftah hoped that collaborations between universities can be developed together and the results are ready to be used by the community in the future.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

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