Alvin wins 1st Place in 2021 GSENT for his infographic on Indonesian zakat potential amid pandemic

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FEB UNAIR student, Rizki Alvin, wins First Place in the 2021 GSENT Infographic Poster Contest. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – A student of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) has made another brilliant national achievement. This time, M. Rizki Alvin Amrulloh has won 1st Place of the Gunadarma Sharia Economic National Event (GSENT) 2021 National Infographic Poster Contest.

GSENT is a competition organized by the Islamic Economics Study Group Sharia Economic Forum (KSEI SEF) Gunadarma to promote Islamic Economics. Slightly different from last year, which only held an Islamic Economics Olympiad competition, GSENT added a new infographic competition category.

M. Rizki Alvin Amrulloh said that his biggest motivation to make achievements is to develop himself. Students can improve their graphic design, critical thinking, and public speaking skills by participating in the competition.

Alvin shared his experience during the Infographic Poster Contest until he finally won 1st Place in the competition. Alvin conducted research first on current issues.

“I did research according to the theme of 2021 GSENT. After that, I applied it to the infographic design,” he explained.

In his work, Alvin presented the role of zakat during the pandemic. Zakat is a form of obligatory almsgiving activity of every Muslim who is able and has met certain conditions for those entitled to receive zakat (asnaf). Zakat itself is divided into two, zakat al-fitr and zakat on wealth.

Rizki Alvin’s infographic won First Place in the 2021 GSENT Infographic Poster Contest. (Design: Rizki Alvin)

Alvin then explained that the potential of zakat funds in Indonesia if managed optimally. Many people, especially zakat recipients, will feel the benefits. The potential for income zakat reaches 139.07 trillion, and the potential for wealth zakat in Indonesia reaches 58.78 trillion.

During the pandemic, the potential for zakat can be used for several things. Zakat can be a medium for overcoming the outbreak and impact of Covid-19, which in Islam is permissible. Wealth zakat can be paid faster without reaching the haul (Islamic year period) if it has reached the nisab(minimum limit).

Digitizing zakat payment services using mobile payment services is one way to attract public interest. According to Bank Indonesia, during the pandemic, public digital transactions rose by 65 percent. Throughout 2020, the Zakat Infaq Alms fund collected by the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) increased by 30 percent to reach 385.5 billion rupiah.

“I hope this poster can be a medium for muzakki (zakat payers), to raise awareness in the community, especially to be promoted during the pandemic,” he concluded. (*)

Author:  Sandi  Prabowo

Editor :  Binti Q. Masruroh

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