Educating community on vaccine benefits, KKN Group 140 holds a Covid Webinar

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The 64th KKN Group 140 held a Covid Webinar entitled "Vaccine Vs Covid-19" which was attended by residents of Gelang Village, Tulangan Sub-district, Sidoarjo Regency and several students. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – Vaccination is one of the efforts that can be done to suppress the spread of Covid-19. Vaccination programs have a major impact in achieving herd immunity. However, most people still doubt the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccination.

To address this issue, the 64thUNAIR KKN Group 140 held a Covid Webinar entitled “Vaccine Vs Covid-19” which was attended by residents of Gelang Village, Tulangan Sub-district, Sidoarjo Regency and several students. It was held on Thursday, August 12, 2021, online through the Zoom meeting platform.

According to Millenia Aisyah, as the person in charge of the webinar activity, the webinar invited dr. Yuli Indah Kurnia, Sp.KFR, M.KedKlin, a health expert.

“She is one of the experts who often educates the public about the importance of the Covid-19 vaccination,” she explained.

Furthermore, Milen said the activity was divided into two sessions, and the first session was the presentation by dr. Yuli Indah Kurnia, then followed by a question and answer session and discussion at the end of the event.

“Thank God the event was attended by the village community and students enthusiastically, until it is over,” said Class of 2018, Faculty of Science and Technology UNAIR student.

The purpose of the Covid Webinar activity, said Milen, is to provide the latest information to the public about the dangers and impacts of Covid-19 on health. Also, it aims to educate the public on the importance of vaccination in achieving herd immunity.

“Furthermore, she also conveyed about things that must be considered during self-isolation,” she said.

In the end, Milen said that with this webinar, people understand better how to handle themselves and their families when exposed to Covid-19. So there is no delay in medical treatment.

“Therefore, the people are not afraid to self-isolation, by fulfilling their needs during self-isolation,” she concluded.

Author: Ananda Wildhan Wahyu Pratama

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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