Vocational Lecturer, Rahmat Yuliawan, shares business strategies to success for MSME

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Rahmat Yuliawan SE, MM as the Head of the UNAIR Office Administration study program (KPS).
Rahmat Yuliawan SE, MM as the Head of the UNAIR Office Administration study program (KPS).

UNAIR NEWS – The current Covid-19 pandemic has caused the global economy to decline. Business practitioners are one of the elements that are affected.

As a community service and also to provide motivational efforts to business practitioners, the Office Administration Study Program of the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a webinar for MSME Gapokan Kampung Iwak Kalanganyar Village, Sidoarjo Regency. The webinar was held on Saturday, August 7, 2021, via the Zoom platform.

Raising the topic of MSME Strategy to Success through Digital Marketing and Financial Management, the event presented Rahmat Yuliawan SE, MM, as the Head of the Office Administration Study Program (KPS). Rahmat shared his successful experiences and business strategies that the village MSMEs can use as a reference or motivation.

“In an era of change that is happening, we must not sit idly by. Therefore, we need to get prepared mentally first to face the change,” said Rahmat.

“One of the efforts to mental preparation is to change our mindset. Our mindset must believe that the business we run will bring profits. Confidence is important,” he added.

“Don’t ever think that the pandemic is detrimental. Find anything that makes your business different. A differentiator is a strong characteristic that prevents your business run over by similar businesses,”

Rahmat also suggested that business practitioners could also employ students. According to him, student employees can provide benefits from their extraordinary ideas, with their youth spirit that keeps them updated.

“You can find unique sales methods through your employees. So it’s important if you have employees who are students or fresh graduates. “

“Invite employees to have discussions. With their youth, and their knowledge of digital products, possibly, they can provide breakthroughs in your business,” he said.

In essence, all of these strategies can be carried out if every business practitioner has changed their mindset and made peace with the current situation.

“Inner peace is important. The key is, as business practitioners, to be steadfast, patient, and consistent in running the business,” concluded Rahmat. (*)

Author: Zahwa E. Bella

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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