Nursing vocational students volunteer to accelerate vaccination effort

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The vaccination session carried out by Nursing vocational (D3) students in Gresik Tangguh Volunteers. (Photo: Personal Documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Covid-19 is still rising every day. On August 11, 2021, additional recorded new cases reached 39,931. Besides, vaccination efforts are also increased to make peace with the Covid-19 pandemic through herd immunity. Based on data on August 11, 2021, compiled from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), vaccination in Indonesia at the first dose has reached 51,443,042 or equivalent to 24.87%. Meanwhile, the second dose has reached 25,502,849 or 12.25%.

The emerging Covid-19 virus variants such as Alpha and Delta no longer make herd immunity achievable with 70% vaccinated populations. The ability of the Alpha and Delta variants to spread faster makes the rate that must be achieved become 80 to 90 percent vaccinated populations. Acceleration of the vaccination carried out also requires more energy. However, other problems also emerged, the number of health workers who are also exposed to Covid-19. The emerging Covid-19 virus variants such as Alpha and Delta no longer make herd immunity achievable with 70% vaccinated populations. The ability of the Alpha and Delta variants to spread faster makes the rate that must be achieved become 80 to 90 percent vaccinated populations. Acceleration of the vaccination carried out also requires more energy. However, other problems also emerged, the number of health workers who are also exposed to Covid-19.

Looking at these problems, Nursing vocational (D3) students from the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga, devoted themselves to be vaccination volunteers. The vaccination volunteers were divided into the Lamongan District Health Service (Dinkes) vaccination volunteers and Gresik Tangguh volunteers.

The number of volunteers for the vaccination session from the Lamongan Health Office was 19 people, while from Gresik Tangguh were 16 volunteers consisting of sixth-semester students. Riris Ayuni Firdha as a student representative, who was a volunteer for Lamongan Health Office vaccination, said that the quota provided is around 100 to 300 vaccines in a day. “They help the vaccination implementation in each working area of Community Healthcare Center (Puskesmas) divided by the Health Office. The quota varies from 100 to 300 a day,” she explained.

Meanwhile, Alvionita Chumaidi Putri, as a representative of Gresik Tangguh volunteers, said that the vaccination target is 200 to 500. “The activities carried out include handling registration, screening, and post-vaccination observations with 200 to 500 targets per day,” she said.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a shared problem, the response will not be optimal if only one party does it, but all must work together. Therefore, Riris and Alvionita and other students, who are members of the vaccination volunteers, feel that as health students, they have a significant role to play to overcome Covid-19, especially in achieving herd immunity. “Hopefully, the public can be more enthusiastic about getting vaccinated. Sometimes, there are vaccines left because people don’t want to be vaccinated, even though, at this time, it is really needed, “said Riris.

“It feels good to be able to contribute to the Covid-19 pandemic handling. In addition to helping provide vaccination services, this activity can fill spare time and improve relationships with other volunteers,” added Riris.

The nursing students who take an active role as vaccination volunteers hoped that their participation could accelerate the achievement of herd immunity. “With the more vaccination process, hopefully, the number of people who receive 1 or 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine will increase. Hopefully, herd immunity will also be achieved soon,” Alvionita concluded.

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

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