KKN Groups 38 holds MSME assistance and empowerment amid Covid-19 pandemic

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The KKN Group 38 held assistance and empowerment activities for MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia that started in March 2020 has had a major impact on the community’s economic decline. It was triggered by mobility restrictions to break the chain of COVID-19 spread in Indonesia. The most affected is the MSME sector, both on a micro and macro scale.

In overcoming these problems, the 64thUNAIR KKN (Community Service Program) Group 38 held an assistance and empowerment activity for MSMEs amid Covid-19 pandemic. The event, attended by the community in Macan Putih Village at the Village Hall on Thursday, August 12, 2021, was held in a hybrid manner by implementing strict health protocols.

“MSME assistance and empowerment activity was carried out in a hybrid manner, so participants attend at Macan Putih Village hall, while the speakers are still at the Banyuwangi Cooperative Office,” explained Khoirunisyah, the person in charge.

Khoirunisyah also explained that the event started with the opening and a general introduction about MSMEs. Furthermore, the event was closed with a session by Tri Vina Oktavita Sari, MSME assistant of the Banyuwangi Cooperative Office.

“The material explained by Mrs. Vina includes capital, planning when you want to establish MSMEs, business model canvas, promotional strategies, and digitalization of marketing,” she said.

The purpose of this activity, continued Nisya, is to provide motivation and some tips in developing MSMEs amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the people of the Macan Putih Village can develop MSMEs according to their fields of expertise, and the community would be more independent economically.

At the end, Nisya hoped that this event would make village apparatus and youth aware of the importance of assisting and empowering MSMEs owned by the people of Macan Putih Village.

“Hopefully, after this event, PKK women and Macan Putih Village youth group can further strengthen MSMEs in the village as one of the driving forces of the village economy. Furthermore, as an effort to increase the independence and standard of living of Macan Putih Village,” she concluded.

Author: Ananda Wildhan Wahyu Pratama

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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