UNAIR NEWS – Even amid a pandemic, 18 students from the Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga were enthusiastic about participating in an international student outbound courses held by Asia University, Taiwan. The participating students from Nursing Three-year vocational (D3) study program were Gadis Aulia Jailani, Icha Nur Imami Puspita, Helmiya Laronika Pangestu, Nur Rizqillah Revina Putri, Meli Nor Arista, Maulida Indira Murty, Ifat Tasnim, Masrur Afandi, Kiki Luthfia Rizqy, Merita Lia Pratiwi, Ila Vimasturoh, Firsca Nurfadilah, Shinta Herawati, Tafri Khatul Maula, Ratna Sari Dewi Ulyani, Indah Puspitasari, Tasya Fathia Putriyanto, and Hana Siswati.
“Online Asia University Summer Program 2021” is committed to the ideas of health, caring, innovation and excellence, and pursuing academic differences, inspiring innovative teaching, and cultivating talents for the community. The courses taken by the Nursing D3 students consist of community care practice in Taiwan, creative and cultural industry, language & culture, and interdisciplinary global health, equal to 54 hours.
Kiki Luthfia Rizqy as the team leader, when contacted by UNAIR NEWS via short messages on July 26, 2021, explained that Asia University Summer Program could increase knowledge and insight in the field of health and culture of Taiwan, especially for students of Nursing D3 study program. She continued, UNAIR Nursing students gained new ideas, and they can support the learning process even better.
Kiki from the Class of 2020 took interdisciplinary global health course because the course focused on the health sector. In the summer program, a Focus Group Discussion was also held with international participants to discuss the health management system, especially on the COVID 19 handling in hospitals globally.
Kiki joined the summer outbound to dedicate her knowledge to the public. The opportunity is a strong motivation for Kiki to continue learning, develop plans, and spread goodness.
“By taking all the presented opportunities, we will be even more motivated to keep learning new things and get out of our comfort zone,” concluded Kiki. (*)
Author: Dimar Herfano
Editor: Feri Fenoria