UNAIR vocational team win 2021 V-Nation favorite award for their movie ‘Asa’

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UNAIR NEWS- The short movie team of the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), has made a national achievement as the favorite winner in the V-Nation event. Faris Nur Afandi, Diedra Daffa Islamay U., and Daffa Sachio Adenka produced a short movie titled ‘ASA’. The short movie is expected to inspire all vocational students in Indonesia to always be active and not be discouraged from going through their lives.

V-Nation is a series of article, short movie, and news anchor competitions organized by the Ministry of Media, Communication, and Information of the Faculty of Vocational Studies’ Student Executive Board. This year V-Nation competition was themed “The Role of Vocational Education in Optimizing Demographic Bonus for the Young Generation in the New Normal Era”.

Faris Nur Affandi as the head of the short movie team ‘ASA’, revealed that participating in the short movie competition was an interesting new experience to do with all the team members. The team has tried to give their best, even though there were some obstacles in the movie production.

“Finally, we were able to deal with the existing problems by creating strategies, concepts, and good team communication between members,” said Faris.

The class of 2019 Marketing and Management student explained that the idea of making a short movie titled ‘ASA’ was inspired by the personal experience of each team member when they were going to continue their education in college. They experienced various kinds of struggles, obstacles, and challenges during those times.

“But unexpectedly, it was this experience that was finally able to bring us to where we are today. Together we build dreams and aspirations at Faculty of Vocational Studies of Universitas Airlangga,” explained Faris.

At the end, Faris explained that his team succeeded in presenting a short movie concept that shows the story of struggles every vocational student has experienced. At the end of the movie, after a long process, the character in the story becomes an inspiring, successful, and independent figure.

“We hope that this movie can be an inspiration for all vocational students in Indonesia to be active and not to be discouraged in going through their days. Because hope will always be there for anyone who struggles,” concluded Faris. (*).

Author:  Sandi Prabowo

Editor  :  Binti Q. Masruroh (AC/AP)

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