UNAIR students create natural skincare products from Butterfly Pea flower extract

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UNAIR NEWS – Five students of the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) have made another proudest national achievement for Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). They succeeded in developing herbal skincare products from butterfly pea flower extract. Those five students are Daniyal Firmansyah, Natazha Claudya, Fathimah Afifah, Nabiilah Husna, and Nurul Aini Rismawanti.

With this business idea, the FV UNAIR’s Terence Team received funding from the 2021 Vocational Student Entrepreneurship Program (PKMV) organized by the Directorate of Vocational and Professional Higher Education. PKMV is a special competition for vocational students throughout Indonesia who have entrepreneurial ideas and want to develop and realize their business.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS on Friday, July 23, 2021, Daniyal Firmansyah said PKMV is held from May 2021 until November 2021. According to him, the team’s biggest motivation for the achievement was the desire to have their own business.

“Hopefully, we will be able to create job openings and advance the natural beauty product industry,” he explained.

Daniyal and his team saw an opportunity to make products from natural ingredients currently quite popular with the public: butterfly pea flowers. They researched the efficacy and substances of the butterfly pea flowers.

One of the substances in the butterfly pea flowers is anthocyanin, an antioxidant compound that is useful for moisturizing, smoothing, and brightening the skin. Moreover, anthocyanin can be used for all skin types, so the team are interested in utilizing the butterfly pea flowers as a primary ingredient for skincare products.

“We will make five product variants: toner, facial wash, face oil, face mask, and lip balm. This series of products can brighten and moisturize our faces. Moreover, our products are in great demand because they use herbal ingredients that are safe and healthy,” explained Daniyal.

Terence Team members were formed from several interrelated disciplines to build the business. They were guided by a lecturer from the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Edith Frederika Puruhito S.KM., MSc., and another lecturer from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina SE., M.Si.

Daniyal, a student of the D4 (four-year vocational) Traditional Medicine study program, said that there were a few problems during the preparation of the proposal. Terence Team had a hard time finding mentors from practitioners, but in the end, they were able to find mentors from practitioners in the beauty field. The mentor was Ir. Dwi Mayasari Spd, M.MPar, Dipl Cidesco, Dipl Cibtac, Dipl IFA, who owns a beauty clinic, Pacific International Beauty Institute (PIBI).

“The mentors have helped us a lot in drafting the PKMV proposal,” he said.

Currently, the team is preparing to manufacture and test the product, accompanied by a supervisor, Rini Hamsidi, S.Farm., M.Farm., Apt. The Terence skincare products are in the irritation test stage. After the product is further developed, the team will also conduct a hedonic test and an ingredient test in the laboratory. (*)

Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor :  Binti Q. Masruroh (YA/AP)

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