UNAIR PKM-K team creates used cooking oil collecting startup

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UNAIR PKM-K team that creates “Jelantah Yuk” startup (Photo: By courtesy).

UNAIR NEWS- The Student Creativity Program (PKM) event for higher education in 2021 is held again. Last May, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-ristek) announced the names of the teams that received funding through their website. 

One of the successful teams was Universitas Airlangga’s (UNAIR) PKM-K team that brought up the idea of creating an app called “Jelantah Yuk”. The team led by Muhammad Akbar Rizky, consisted of Muhammad Faqih, Trisna Nurya Majid, Muhammad Anang Jazuli, and Raden Estiawan.

Muhammad Akbar Rizky  or Muakri said that “Jelantah Yuk ” is an internet of things-based startup. Through the application, he and his team will collect used cooking oil from households and street vendors. Later, Muakri continued, the collected used cooking oil will be sold to industries that can manage it.

“So, the used cooking oil that we (the PKM team, ed) collect will be sold to an oil management industry; in this case, it is CV. Artha Metro Oil,” explained Muakri.

Furthermore, he revealed that the idea of “Jelantah Yuk” app came up when he and his team often heard about their friends collecting used cooking oil. However, after being investigated, it turns out that the purchase price of used cooking oil is relatively low. Muakri also said that many street vendors around them immediately disposed of their used cooking oil.

“There are various kinds of the latest information in the “Jelantah Yuk” application, for example, information related to price updates. This application can even track the journey of collecting the used cooking oil, and there is also an e-payment feature,” said Muakri on Friday, July 16, 2021. 

The benefit that will be given to customers continued Muakri, is that they will not only collect their used cooking oil, but they will loan a five-liter jerrycan for household and a 20-30 liter one for street vendors. Muakri and his team almost finished designing the application, and they have dozens of customers from various sub-districts of Surabaya and have collected approximately 150 liters of used cooking oil. 

“For now, the way we get our customers is through approaching people around us and using the door-to-door system,” added Muakri, who is also a student of the Chemistry Study Program. 

Finally, Muakri and his team hoped that in the future, through the app “Jelantah Yuk”, we will be able to reduce waste from used cooking oil which is harmful to the body and also reduce the risk of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD). Thus, the environment, especially the waters and the fish, can be saved. 

“In the future, we also hope that the used cooking oil processing industry can run better for an advanced Indonesia because used cooking oil can be used as renewable energy as biodiesel. So, no more used cooking oil is wasted,” concluded Muakri. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)

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