UNAIR NEWS – Unlike Vitamin C or A, Vitamin D may get our attention even though the intake of Vitamin D in the body greatly affects health and even wards off Covid-19.
Unfortunately, data from the WHO stated that the average vitamin D level of the Indonesian population is 17.2. It is very low and even the lowest of the countries in ASEAN.
Some time ago, an alumnus of Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist program, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) dr. Henry Suhendra, SpOT had a chance to discuss this. In an interview session on Deddy Corbuzier’s Youtube channel, Henry revealed that a study in Boston in 2020 proved that Vitamin D could reduce the possibility of Coronavirus infection by 54 percent. However, he said, this condition can be achieved only if the levels of Vitamin D in the body are optimal.
“This is almost the same as the vaccine tablets. It’s quite a lot. The vaccines give from 60 to 65 percent; each vaccine is different,” he said on July 13, 2021.
The graduate from the Class of 1992 explained, Vitamin D is a super hormone that affects all cells because the receptors are in all cells throughout our body systems.
“If our Vitamin D is optimal, it means we will be fine. There will be no diseases,” he said.

On the other hand, Vitamin D is known to have many benefits for reducing various infections, from bacteria to viruses, including Covid-19. Vitamin D can also fight cancer; heart disease; to autoimmune diseases when it is at 100 percent optimal condition.
“In the United States, Vitamin D is proven to improve conditions from various serious diseases, such as heart disease and 70 types of cancer,” said Henry.
Regarding variants that will continue to occur, vitamin D can increase immunity in three sectors. First, it increases the local barrier of the skin by tightening the gap between the skin. So, there is no opening for the virus to enter.
Second, innate immunity and immunity related to the formation of antibodies by T and B lymphocytes.
However, it takes time to increase the body’s Vitamin D levels because, besides they fluctuate, there are many other influencing factors. For example, during stress or lack of sleep, it will go down.
“For example, after participating in a Java-Bali bike competition, we feel pain across our bodies, and then comes the flu. It is because the immune system is weak when Vitamin D level drops. So increasing levels of Vitamin D can be done with the exercise, but if done excessively, Vitamin D will be destroyed. If the body is too tired, the vitamin level goes down,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia