UNAIR NEWS – On Thursday afternoon, July 15, 2021, the Communications Department of FISIP UNAIR held another online community service orientation to residents of Soket Laok, Bangkalan, Madura. This time, the community service to be carried out is a village development initiative through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) products by utilizing the potential natural resources in the village.
The orientation was attended by a community service team consisting of Dr. Santi Isnaini, S.Sos., MM, Igak Satrya Wibawa S.Sos., MCA., Ph.D, Dina Septiani, Ph.D, website developers, village officials, and several second-level FISIP students.
Dr. Santi Isnaini, S.Sos., MM, as the head of community service executive, said that her team would focus on the economic empowerment of cashew farmers in the village. It is intended to improve and develop the entrepreneurial skill of rural communities in general and cashew farmers in Soket Laok Village in particular.
“Our special theme this year is actually not too far from last year’s; this year, we are focusing on branding training for rural communities,” she said.
Furthermore, Igak Satrya Wibawa S.Sos., MCA., Ph.D, explained that the community service team will empower the community by creating a Soket Laok Village website, training website administrators, training packaging and brand video production, and registering brands and business licensing on their products. Furthermore, the village community will also be taught about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to improve website ratings.
“The development of this website is expected to improve the village’s economy and optimize teaching as in the previous year we only conducted training through WhatsApp group and YouTube,” Igak said.
The features that will be shown on the website, continued Igak, include training videos on how to process products, make labels and packaging until they become finished products ready to be marketed. Then, it can also show information on village demographics, village leaders, the latest news, and the MSME products that have been produced.
“This is very suitable amid a pandemic like this, so if someone wants to buy village products, just stop by the website, without e-commerce,” he continued.
This online community service is expected to empower the village economy and develop the entrepreneurial skill of the Soket Laok village community. The village community is also expected to spread the knowledge they learned for the prosperity of the Soket Laok village.
“Hopefully, this coordination can run smoothly and produce a productive result,” concluded Santi.
Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia